Does anyone here use Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners (doctors)??
Does it work, and would you recommend one?
Does anyone here use Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners (doctors)??
Does it work, and would you recommend one?
I can recommend you one......
acupuncture type chinese doctor
i didn't visited but quite famous is hong kong..
it's cheap so you must queue and wait.....
Try Cecila The at the Vitality centre. She has good knowledge of western/chinese medicine and listens. She is BCM Beijing,She can prescribe TCM/acupuncture as reqd.
PS You will have to see if it works.
To my knowledg it can be effective for 'keeping you well' than conquering major afflictions. A good one should recommend you to see another specialist if they cannot diagnose or treat your problem
Try the Chinese medical Council of Hong Kong. Their website URL is:
They have the names and addresses of all registered TCM Practitioners in Hong Kong.