Differences in Flu Shots

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Question Differences in Flu Shots

    Does anyone know if the flu shots they give here are the same ones they give in the US?

    Supposedly the Center for Disease Control in the US monitors which flu strains were going around in China the year before, so they can vaccinate against those before they reach the US.

    So if that's the case, then does China get different shots since those strains have already been around for awhile?

    No one I asked seems to have the answer to this. If I get a shot in the US, should I also get a shot here in HK? I spend a lot of time in both places.

    Thanks for any insight you can give me!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Are you particularly immune-suppressed? If not I don't see that reducing the risk of a couple of weeks of flu is worth the risk of injecting your body with all sorts of alien substances.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fo Tan
    Quote Originally Posted by PDLM:
    Are you particularly immune-suppressed? If not I don't see that reducing the risk of a couple of weeks of flu is worth the risk of injecting your body with all sorts of alien substances.
    If you read the papers that CDC puts out with the vaccination, it is really only for the very young (less than 6 years or something), the very old, the immune-suppressed, and people who regularly deal with those people. It isn't meant for every person in the US although it seems to have become a big thing in the US recently. I don't remember ever having a flu shot growing up and just had my first one ever this past month. (Newborn son.) Until we moved to VA in the mid-1990s I had never even seen the flu-shot hysteria.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Whats up with the flu shot fever anyways?

    I too am one who never had a flu shot, and also never gets the flu. In all the research I have done on the topic, it seems only people at risk need to even bother. The company I worked for just asked me yesterday if I wanted the flu shot. I said no thanks. I am fit, strong and healthy, let that flu try!

    I think now with concerns of brid flu, SARS, and this super killer flu pandemic they have been predicting for years, everyone is just trying to get as much preventitive medicine jacked into themsleves as possible. Seems silly to me. The same scientists and doctors say the flu shot wouldnt help any of those situations much anyways.

    Personally, in a conspiracy theory kind of way, I figure is is microchip injections so Big Brother can know exaclty who we are and where we are. They microchip dogs and cats these days...

    Whose to say by blindly subjecting ourselves to an "injection" we know nothing about we arent doing exactly the same thing?

    Though that just may be the Sci-Fi fan in me coming out....


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I too am one who never had a flu shot, and also never gets the flu. In all the research I have done on the topic, it seems only people at risk need to even bother. The company I worked for just asked me yesterday if I wanted the flu shot. I said no thanks. I am fit, strong and healthy, let that flu try!
    Actually, it has been shown in a study that those who take the flu shot and then stop are more likely to get the flu than those who never take the shot. So not taking the shot in the long run can be a bonus! It makes sence too.