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Western Doctor?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    in my home

    Western Doctor?


    I don't want to be taken wrongly or anything....
    but I urgently NEED a western doctor, preferably non-asian.

    i have been to several so-called "western trained" doctors since I have been here, and they have been horrible experiences. Today I saw a doctor who didn't tell me what I have and then prescribed a ton of "3-day" medicine. After begin for several minutes to nurses and doctor to know what I have...he says common cold, but that I could come in for lung x-ray if I want. (mind you that my only symptom is a superbly-severe cough for over 3 weeks now) looking for someone who knows that medicine normally needs to be taken more than 3 days to kill the infection or what-not, and that they will actually look at my symptoms and make an educated diagnosis and ... maybe even tell me what i have without me begging to know.

    I have seen asian doctors in USA that are good, but in HK it seems I would feel happier with a actual western doctor.

    any ideas?

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  2. #2

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    Hong Kong Island

    Tell the doctor you want the injection - it is alot quicker! After one nights rest, I was back to normal the next day.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    in my home

    IV or needle use is highly unnecessary and is WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY overused in China/HK
    christ...they once tried to give me an IV for pink-eye

    I have a severe cough.
    At night times its so bad that I cough roughly every 10 secs until I pass out from pain.
    The coughing is so violent that i now have extremely sore muscles along the right side of my jaw / head, and along base of rib cage.

    I have had this for 3 weeks.

  4. #4

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    Hong Kong

    What makes you think the colour of a doctor's skin affects his level of competence? From all the reports I have seen, the general level of competence of "general practitioner" type doctors in Hong Kong is appallingly low. I fear it's a question of meeting the market need - the vast majority of locals seem to measure the qulity of a doctor by the number of pills he prescribes, even if he is prescribing (for example) antibiotics to treat a viral infection (which is a pointless thing to do and just reduces the effectiveness of antibiotics in situations where they might be needed).

    My guess (which is worth what you paid for it) is that this is the first time your lungs and broncheal system have experienced air as dry as we get in HK at this time of year and that they are taking a little time to adjust. You should be OK after two or three years - that's how long it took my body to adjust to cope a bit better with the humidity in summer.

    Oh, and if you smoke, then stop.

  5. #5

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    Mar 2006

    Mattstewart I'l recomend two options for you.
    Dr David stirling in Central 2849-7822 He has been my dr off and on for 13 years, but is very expensive.

    Three times I went to Hong Kong Central Hospital in Central near the Fringe which is a small private non profit place with great local drs.
    25223141 They don't go over board with antibiotics or steroids for lung problems and both options will offer you answers.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    in my home

    i don't think the color of skin matters...thats why i started with "I don't want to be taken wrongly or anything...." :P

    My concern is that when I see a doctor in USA (whether Chinese, Japanese, Black, White, [i've seen a lot]), they normally take time to look at my body. For example, if my coughs are severe, they may actually look in my throat and ask me to stick out tongue. They might even press on chest or lungs to see how my breathing is. They may ask questions regarding my activities or past health, or even ask if i smoke. Afterwards, they may say make some suggestions as to what I may have, and explain what he is going to prescribe to me and WHY he is prescribing them to me. He most likely will also explain what the medicine will do to me, and if certain symptoms show or get worse, to let him know immediately.

    These are things thaat I feel make a good doctor, because they make me feel comfortable with what it is he is doing, and giving to me.

    On the other hand, ALL of the chinese doctors I have been to here in HK and the tons of doctors ive seen in China a few years ago, are all the same. They barely look at you, they dont ask many questions, and barely speak to me (even though they speak fluent english). the visit lasts no more than 3 mins, and then he asks you to step outside, in which if you arent fast enough, the door will end up hitting your ass.
    After waiting outside for a few mins, the nurse will come and say "heres some pills, that will be 300 dollars".

    Now mind you, I have no clue what the pills are, why I am getting them, and what they will do to me. I don't know if I am allergic to any of them cause they didnt ask. I don't know my I ask. The nurse points to receipt...which says "diagnosis: *scribbly lines*" When asking what it says....they say...just a common cold.

    this does not make me feel secure with the doctors recommendations or suggestions, and actually makes me quite concerned.

    ALSO ... PDLM..... I got this when I flew back home to NY for christmas....and it is getting worse day by day.

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  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Hong Kong

    Fair enough. Your description just adds to my perception of general practitioners here. Personally, my GP, on the one or two occasions that I have needed one in the last 20 years has been the internet, aided by the fact that pharmacies here will sell you prescription drugs without one.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    I've seen Dr Stirling a couple of times when he was at Sue Jameison's clinic. Another good Dr who KIA liked was Brian Walker

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    No disrepect intended, but I suppose you are exagerating somewhat with:
    I have a severe cough.
    At night times its so bad that I cough roughly every 10 secs until I pass out from pain.

    However, if you really are suffering as bad as you state, you need to be going to a hospital this afternoon, not messing around looking for and asking opinions as to recomendations for a western doctor, most of whom won't open surgeries until Monday morning.

    You may consider GoodKarma's suggestion of Central Hospital. It operates a 24hrs EGM, as do most, and is inexpensive.
    You may also consider checking the Gov't Hopsitals, though the wait may put you off. Depending upon the Triage assessment, a Code 4 may see you waiting 180 plus minutes. Claiming severe respitory problems (potential to collapse) may see your assessed level increase to a 2 or 3, meaning a shorter wait, perhaps 30 minutes.

    Cut and paste this onto your IE and check

    Again, if your symptoms are really as bad as you state, packing an overnight bag may be in order.

    For private hopsitals, do a check in google for:

    hong kong private hospitals

    Best to you...and got moving!


    Last edited by sarawesi; 07-01-2007 at 02:23 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    in a little hole

    Hey Matt,

    Why don't you go and see a vet - most of them are pretty thorough and do a Physical just like you described

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