Can anyone recommend a good physiotherapist specialising in sports injuries? I have a sprained ankle.
Someone not based in central please (too expensive)!
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Can anyone recommend a good physiotherapist specialising in sports injuries? I have a sprained ankle.
Someone not based in central please (too expensive)!
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using GeoClicks Mobile
BUPA also covers this fully.
I am going to recommend the AFTC which is the physiotherapy centre affiliate with/attached to AASFP (the local HK and China fitness and sports educating and cerfifying body). I personally had a one-on-one injury screening session with a therapist there (this came with my membership package) and I found it very productive - unlike many prior sessions with clinical phisiotherapists in the Adventist and St Paul Hospitals.
I have not tried any expensive sports therapists in Central so I cannot compare.
I may be biased: I took the AASFP Personal Trainer Cerfiticate course. The AFTC phisiotherapists were giving us lectures on injury prevension, special populations and posture/flexibility assessment and exercise design. All local HK guys and I found them very, very knowledgeable - and I loved those sessions.
Last edited by Khema; 04-10-2012 at 06:59 PM.
Sports Performance in Central are very good.
I used a cheap local style physio once and they were terrible. Nothing hands on, no exercises given, just extensive use of gadgets. Not my idea of physio.