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Immunisations for travel

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Immunisations for travel


    Bupa doesn't cover the costs for travel immunisations.

    We're planning to travel to India for Holi so will need to get various boosters.

    Are there are cheap govt clinics that provide these immunisations?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hong Kong

    There is the government travel clinic in Wanchai. Didn't realise you need jabs for India.

    Holi. Fun! Can I come?

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  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Yes! Come! Flying into Delhi and planning to do the golden Triangle. Jaipur has the elephant festival too.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out.

    India - Fit For Travel

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  4. #4

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    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal
    Last edited by Claire ex-ax; 12-08-2014 at 02:49 PM.
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  5. #5

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    Hong Kong

    Hmm... not sure I put "India" and "fun" in the same sentence but each to their own! I know some people who think it's the best place on earth.... my experiences led me to the other end of the scale! I would also load up on mosquito repellant - malaria is not easy to prevent by medicine, the old fashioned barrier approaches work best (depends where you are going, but elephants don't sound city centre to me...)

    And of course you already know to be EXTREMELY careful about what you eat and drink, I'm sure

  6. #6

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    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by HK_Katherine:
    Hmm... not sure I put "India" and "fun" in the same sentence but each to their own! I know some people who think it's the best place on earth.... my experiences led me to the other end of the scale! I would also load up on mosquito repellant - malaria is not easy to prevent by medicine, the old fashioned barrier approaches work best (depends where you are going, but elephants don't sound city centre to me...)

    And of course you already know to be EXTREMELY careful about what you eat and drink, I'm sure
    India and fun do go together.

    End of.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by pin:
    India and fun do go together.

    End of.
    Last time I was there, a crowd of rioting youths (otherwise known as an "Election Rally") decided to take exception to myself and my travelling companion and threw stones at us. That was the final straw. Previous "fun" had included being abducted by my taxi driver and refused to take me to the airport until I coughed up a huge sum of money (luckily I had no money but I was furious and I think he and his dodgy companion ended up more scared of me than I was of them); various food-borne ailments; extremely exciting car journeys with more hair-raising close shaves than a Disney ride... and so on and so forth. It didn't help I was always on business so never got to see any tourist sites!
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  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Sounds like you got unlucky which could happen in any country at any time.

    I have a lot of Indian friends who are ridiculously good fun. I can't wait to immerse myself in their culture and what better time to do it than at Holi.

    There are of course safeguards we need to take (which we will) but Katherine I hope you don't go round recommending people avoid India based on your unfortunate experiences.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by iliketurtles:
    Sounds like you got unlucky which could happen in any country at any time.

    I have a lot of Indian friends who are ridiculously good fun. I can't wait to immerse myself in their culture and what better time to do it than at Holi.

    There are of course safeguards we need to take (which we will) but Katherine I hope you don't go round recommending people avoid India based on your unfortunate experiences.
    I too have many Indian friends - no problem with the people; more with the infrastructure, sanitation and health risks. It's not quite at the level of Nepal (a place I do now avoid, sadly, because it's such a beautiful country) but still worth taking precautions. I wouldn't say avoid India, but do go well prepared. I usually ignore pretty much all the health warnings - I drink the water in Manila for example - and actively pooh-pooh the idiots who say you can't drink it in HK - but in India I take extra-special care - to the extent of checking seals on water bottles (they were regularly being refilled with tap-water when I was there!) and so on.

    Since your thread was health-related, just thought it worth adding the points, especially if you are (like me normally) pretty relaxed about these things!
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  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Immunisations for travel

    I have to say, I have been to many places from Myanmar to Philippines to Indonesia to Laos to Cambodia etc etc and nothing, I mean nothing prepares you for India.

    Beautiful place, fantastic food, magnificent landscapes and monuments but absolute misery really right next to it.

    Going there for business is not the same, I did and that was ok.....but on ur own, in trains or buses etc it's fun but you indeed will come back with huge feelings ...some extremely positive,some extremely won't for sure leave u indifferent.

    And yes scammers are all over (on a scale I had never seen)....but they are relatively easy to spot.

    Just to's a must visit place. Absolutely worth it to go. Just be very open minded but also cautious w hygiene and stuffs.

    Last edited by Mat; 12-08-2014 at 09:44 PM.
    HK_Katherine likes this.

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