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Birth control pills: variety, availability, etc.?

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  1. #1

    Birth control pills: variety, availability, etc.?

    Hi! I'm relocating to Hong Kong, and being a sexually liberated woman who experiences cramps, I gotta have my birth control. Do any expat ladies have experience getting birth control pills in HK?

    I've been lurking around forum posts from several years and it seems like birth control pills are available without prescription at some pharmacies. Is this still the case? I was just wondering if anyone had any luck finding Levora (Lutera, or pretty much by any other name). I've seen a lot about Yaz, but I can't take drospirenone, if that means anything to you lovely ladies.

    I'm considering stocking up on my levonorgestrel in the US before I head out, but it would be great to get some more specifics on what kind of variety, availability, price range, prescription requirements, etc. are in place for birth control in HK! Thanks for helping a girl out!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Yes, you can buy over-the-counter. I think they have all brands. You should be able to find a list of approved medicines in HK (sorry, can't search myself). Maybe stock up a little, but don't go crazy. I pay $168HKD from a local pharmacy in my neighborhood for mine (Yasmin). Don't know about all brands, but I do know that it isn't possible to get the nuva ring here (or at least it hasn't been, not sure about currently).

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    You can get some BC pills at pharmacies. I have seen microgynon there. It's just on the shelf like any cough medicine. For specific types you can go to the Family Planning Clinic or MCHC for low cost care. Any private GP/gynecologist if you have health insurance can offer these as well. If you want to know what drugs are available in HK you can search at the Drug Office website and type the name of the medicine.

    shri likes this.

  4. #4

    Thank you so much! This is all super helpful

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    @sicvivitur if you have health insurance in your home country that pays for women's health check-ups, do it before you come. HK health insurance does not pay for preventative women's health screening (pap-smear).

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiaque:
    @sicvivitur if you have health insurance in your home country that pays for women's health check-ups, do it before you come. HK health insurance does not pay for preventative women's health screening (pap-smear).
    Useful post. Made me realised I have not had one since leaving NZ. I just used to go when the clinic sent a reminder in NZ.....

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Hi and welcome to Hong Kong!

    Give Fanda Pharmacy in Central a call, they sell pretty much everything OTC and speak English:

    tel:+ 852 2526 6623

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Fanda is more expensive though! (Maybe even the most expensive...) Pharmacies have different prices so it's good to shop around.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Was just asked, so I thought I would update this. The price of Jasmin has gone up, but there's a new pharmacy shop that sells it for around $150 and it's located here:
    (either in Union Way Building or Hillier Building -- the same side as il Bel and the massage place).

    The one I was referring to back then is like $180 or so now, and it's here: (in Wellland building I think).

    Street view:

    I don't quite understand how some of these pharmacies seem to operate, selling much, much cheaper than Mannings/Watsons. They have tons of (male) staff. Is there some Triad thing going on behind these?

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Elegiaque:
    don't quite understand how some of these pharmacies seem to operate, selling much, much cheaper than Mannings/Watsons. They have tons of (male) staff. Is there some Triad thing going on behind these?
    Not behind the scenes, quite out in the open!

    Generic versions, fake versions, almost expired stock - take your pick.

    Also lower rent in some locations.

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