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  • 1 Post By Claire ex-ax
  • 1 Post By Scousebanana

Women Breast Health Screening

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  1. #1

    Question Women Breast Health Screening

    Hi there, does anyone have any suggestion of women breast screening in town? i mean anythings but mammogram coz its too painful and the radiation things. seeking for more suggestion in town.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong

    quality health care?

    Although if your mammogram was painful something is wrong.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal

    There is digital tomosynthesis, which produces a 3D image. But that involves more x-rays than the usual mammogram and tends to be for follow-ups, not for the primary imagining. You could also have an ultrasound, but I've only had those along with a mammogram, not as stand-alone.

  4. #4

    mammogram result is positive, its just the process is too painful than to do it every 2 year. i was looking for somethings less painless and more advance breast checkup. i come across a chain clinic in TST and they provide a screening using Electro Impedance Tomography (EIT) technology and it was painless yet no radiation. does anyone hear about this in town? would like to gather some advice before i try it on.

  5. #5

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    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by AndreaKK:
    mammogram result is positive, its just the process is too painful than to do it every 2 year. i was looking for somethings less painless and more advance breast checkup. i come across a chain clinic in TST and they provide a screening using Electro Impedance Tomography (EIT) technology and it was painless yet no radiation. does anyone hear about this in town? would like to gather some advice before i try it on.
    Wikipedia considers it experimental technology. I suggest you google more widely and read around to find out if its legitimate.

  6. #6

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    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal

    This is one of the more recent (2012) papers on EIT for breast cancer diagnosis.

    Our study findings are comparable to those of other similar studies. Although the EIT is a promising method and deserves close attention of specialists, it cannot replace MMG and/or USG examination as it does not provide information on structural changes to the breast. It can, however, provide very useful additional information about metabolic processes in the body. But in order to show its full potential some improvements should be held.
    shri likes this.

  7. #7

    HK Katherine is correct - mammograms are uncomfortable and a bit embarassing, but shouldn't be painful. Personally, I think the test is so important in any case, even if it was painful, I would endure it as the whole process only lasts a couple of minutes.

    I had an abnormality last year, so had both a mammogram and an ultrasound. It was all ok in the end, thankfully. The specialist told me that the two tests pick up on slightly different things, so one isn't really an alternative to another. However, ultrasounds are sometimes used on younger women, for whom mammograms aren't that effective as their tissue is too dense.

    Natfixit likes this.

  8. #8

    i was checking with the clinic and they say the screening already have CE, ISO and CFDA certified and been practice over 20 countries. the device is develop by Russia medical device company back in 2000. i am considering give it a try since they been certified for those licence and the thing is they say because the machine have no radiation so any age even pregnancy could be use. and the the device screening cover deep as 7.6cm tissue...and also something like they can detect small as 3mm cell abnormal, as regular screening could only detect 1cm suspicious cell. the price is all right so i gonna give it a try i guess.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal
    Quote Originally Posted by AndreaKK:
    i was checking with the clinic and they say the screening already have CE, ISO and CFDA certified and been practice over 20 countries. the device is develop by Russia medical device company back in 2000. i am considering give it a try since they been certified for those licence and the thing is they say because the machine have no radiation so any age even pregnancy could be use. and the the device screening cover deep as 7.6cm tissue...and also something like they can detect small as 3mm cell abnormal, as regular screening could only detect 1cm suspicious cell. the price is all right so i gonna give it a try i guess.
    It means it is safe. It doesn't mean you won't need a MMG afterwards. Just so long as you go into having one knowing it is not a substitute.

    All the best.