Gay Doctor

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Gay Doctor

    Can anyone provide recomendations for any gay doctors? I think there was one in Prince's Building, but I forgot his name.

    I am 25 years old, and it would be good to have a doctor who understands our lifestyle and who can make sure I am safe. I have comprehensive health insurance so cost is not an issue. I'm sure most young gay guys understand where I am coming from!

    Also, if I had a GP that was based at Canossa, Adventist, etc. would I be disadvantaged if I revealed my sexual orientation as I understand those are religiously-affiliated hospitals? And is there a difference of a GP being based at a private hospital versus a clinic? I would imagine the former would allow me to get wheeled in to get immediate tests, labwork, scans whilst the later might not be possible?

    Last edited by surgeshort; 21-06-2018 at 11:26 PM.