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full health check

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Giraffy:
    thanks for recommending this. I think I will try this. If anyone has any questions I’ll try and help once I’ve completed this in a few months.
    They have an international centre for expats.

    If not, for normal body check, most of the nurses and doctors speak mandarin or Cantonese. The body check report is in Chinese.

    I don't understand mandarin but I can speak Cantonese.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    I engaged with the HKU Shenzhen Hospital and could not figure out their deal. Kept replying to me in Mandarin. My turnoff was that I could not select what doctor I wanted to interact with as I prefer to have an HKU doc who can then refer me back to an appropriate point of entry or speciality of needed in the local system.

    They could not also answer if the test results would be accepted in the HA run system ... I know the local doctor at the HA run clinic scoffed at my Indian test results and ran a whole bunch of tests again and got similar results - wasted a month.

    My conclusion .. life is too short to fuck around with mainland clinics / doctors / language issues / cultural issues / travel time etc etc ..

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by shri:
    They could not also answer if the test results would be accepted in the HA run system ... I know the local doctor at the HA run clinic scoffed at my Indian test results and ran a whole bunch of tests again and got similar results - wasted a month.
    That's interesting - tests and scans that Mrs Lam had done in India were readily accepted by doctors both at QMH and at Gleneagles - Indian scans were actually used directly in the Gleneagles operating theatre to guide surgery.

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