You will be please to know that your preferred drug dealers are legitimate.
You can check if your drug dealer is legitmate by checking here:-
Thank you for the HKU suggestion.
When I went there, they advised me that Pharmacists aren't allowed to prescribe in HK "yet".
They advised me to get into the HK system. They also advised me to try to get a long prescription so that I don't have to visit the doctor for repeat prescriptions. They informed me that there is no online repeat prescription service in HK. There is no repeat prescription service in general, in fact.
After a lot of trying I was able to see a doctor on another island. After taking the day off, the doctor would only prescribe me topical cream. I told him that I'm here to protect my brain from lewry bodies and dementia and that the increased cancer risk is less of a worry. He said I have to go to a special STD clinic to get this medicine. I now have to get to that clinic before I get over an outbreak.
Generally, the more legit pharmacies will take your prescription away, so you'll need to see a doctor every time or find some other way. If a pharmacy lets you keep the prescription, that's not a good sign. Some drugs are more faked than others. From experience of criminals, they probably fake herpes drugs more than not because like doctors, they are also ignorant.
Seeing as >70% of Americans have some form of herpes, and nobody talks about it here, this will be taking a toll on the healthcare system in the form of tied down dementia patients in nursing homes.
I hope this helps someone out there. You really have to fight tooth and nail. If you're lucky, please share your experience.
edit: The HKU pharmacy might be a good place to share any medicines that you think might be fake.
from 2019 we know the police and triad work together. Is that relevant to speculating on pharmacy protection? I’ve seen wayward looking characters with tattoos and chains sitting behind the counter one time and thought it strange , but thought it paranoia .
is it a thing?
Originally Posted by hullexile;[URL="tel:3971896":