THanks for the replies. Believe it or not, my workout regime is perfect, its just that I'm greedy and not very honest with myself.
I do weights 3 times a week, cardio 3 times a week, and 2 hot yoga sessions on top in the evenings. I am strong and fit.
My problem is booze....I have a beer every evening and then one night a week I go out and drink more. So fattening, so unfair. Also, if someone offers me a cookie, I aint' gonna say no. So I convince myself I eat sensibly, but realistically I dont'. I'm terrible.
ANyways, I will try that place in Sheung Wan, at least with liquid meals, I know exactly what I'm taking in and I will have to be strong and say no to snacks in between , its so hard though, god I love snacks. Thing about weight trianing is that it makes you sooooo unbelievably ravenous at times.
I reckon 3 months of this and I'll lose around 20lbs, this is acceptable. (got a wedding to look attractive for in 3 months time....ahhh!!! i am the maid of honour)
THanks again.