Hi all,
I have recently moved to HK (3 weeks ago), and have hit a bit of a challenge!
9 years ago, I had a heart operation that requires me to take warfarin (coumadin) - an anticoagulant (more commonly known as blood thinners).
Now, the nature of anticoagulant therapy indicates that the patient (me) must have periodic blood tests (PI or INR - blood clotting time test) to regulate the medication dosage. These should be taken at intervals of anything from 1-2 wees, to 6 weeks apart!
Back home (in South Africa), my warfarin dosage was monitored and controlled by a local pathology lab. I would go to the lab, they would take my blood & phone me within 24 hours to tell me wither to change my dosage, or to keep the dosage the same, and when they needed to see me again. My warfarin was prescribed by my cardiologist, but he was simply informed about the blood test results and any changes in dosage.
I went to Quality Health in Tung Chung, and was told that the only way to get a blood test is to have a doctor's consultation ($220), then the test ($140), and then to get any shift in dosage, another doctor's consultation ($220). The doctor also told the receptionist that he was unable to provide dosage modifications, and that I would need to see a cardiologist! From something that, in South Africa, cost me the equivalent of HK$75 per month, this os going to gost me at least $600 per month, probably more!
does anyone have suggestions? I am a HKID holder (dependant visa), and don't mind going to the public health service, but what is the liklihood of be actually getting this done in a realistic time frame?
On the other hand, are there any competent pathology labs that can offer the service in HK that I was receiving in SA?
any input would be appreciated! I have only secured PT work at the moment, and have no local medical insurance, so the budget is very limited at the moment!