normal flu vaccine???

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    normal flu vaccine???

    Have contacted 2 x GPs to find there is a waiting list 1 - 2 mths at both. However they have said to keep ringing around practises as it is available just their stocks are down.

    Anyone had a flu shot lately and can provide me with detail of GP.

    HK island, central / Admiralty preferable!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hong Kong island

    You may get it through work? They wouldnt want you going off sick and some employers arew jabbing staff.
    Sorry dont know any GP's. Dont know if you can buy the vaccine and self-administer? You could ask a pharmacist.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    in a little hole
    Quote Originally Posted by Louiseamanda:
    You may get it through work? They wouldnt want you going off sick and some employers arew jabbing staff.
    Sorry dont know any GP's. Dont know if you can buy the vaccine and self-administer? You could ask a pharmacist.
    to my knowledge, the flu vaccine in reality, is not a big benefit for the average person. it can only cover a very limited number of flu variants, and as flu viruses mutate rapidly, it is never guaranteed effective. generally it only contains a few current virulent strains of flu virus, and your "average" flu is not covered. it is designed more for immuno-compromised people, ie very young/old etc. the reason stocks are down is because people who dont really need it have been using it all up.

    re self administering - good luck. can i watch? I've taken my own blood, but never been gutsy enough to go intramuscular. only cos i have twice fallen over from vaso-vagal syncope (the phenomenon that has given footballers the wuss bag label when it comes to getting needles)...

    also, i would recommend against getting vacc'd by a lay person eg employer. if you have an anaphylactoid reaction and no-one nearby is trained, it could be disastrous. you should never receive a vaccination without a trained supervisor with some adrenaline on hand!

    if you really want a jab, wait till u can see a doc. but most are out of stock, or have a long waiting list.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hong Kong island


    Yes I agree with your comments. If you are asthmatic or diabetic and dont wish to fall ill with infections it may be worth it too.
    It wont protect against all types but they say, that people who argue that they still get flu (despite the vaccine) have not all been suffering from flu but another viral illness.

    I dont think it can do much harm.
    Yes its usually the tough guys that faint. Women have a better pain threshold heh heh!