Blood tests in Hong Kong

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  1. #1

    Blood tests in Hong Kong

    I am in HK until the end of April 2006 and need to get blood tests done every 6 weeks and send the results back to the UK. I have medical insurance but will not be covered for any pre-existing conditions (of which mine is). I have no HK ID so will be paying the full cost of the tests.

    So, can anyone tell me where the cheapest place to get a blood test done is? I have been quoted $700 at the Quality Healthcare Practice in Prince’s Building but this seems rather expensive.

    What is the general procedure for blood tests? Do I need to see a doctor first and get a specific form to have the test or can I just make an appointment to get it done without seeing a doctor?

    Also, I will need to go somewhere where they speak English.

    Any responses will be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks

  2. #2

    You may call up the lab and ask is it ok to take the test without doctors' note as the doctors in HK will not be the one taking up your case. Some labs will do it in a cheaper price as no extra fee for the doctor but most prefer a doctor's form. Just go to the one close to you as different place will charge very similar.