Earplugs & Pharmacies (Wanchai/Admiralty)

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Earplugs & Pharmacies (Wanchai/Admiralty)


    I'm trying to buy good earplugs. Unfortunately I don't sleep well and I have a very noisy neighbor who doesn't let me sleep.

    I've visited two pharmacies in Wanchai (one in PP and the other next to Hopewell) but they have only one type of earplugs which I don't like.

    Do you know any other pharmacy or store in which I could find other options? Wanchai area.

    Also, any recommendations about earplugs would be appreciated.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    I've seen various types in Watsons and Mannings.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    What 'type' don't you like? Pharmacies generally stock foam and silicone earplugs. Of the foam type, you get varying densities and colours. Of the silicone type, I think they are all the same (a malleable wad of silicone).

    If you want custom molded earplugs, you can get them done in at least one place in Central. These plugs are comfortable for long term use, they don't muffle high frequencies like generic plugs, but they are extremely pricey. They are marketed towards professional musicians rather than people trying to sleep. :::::::: Welcome to Widexhongkong.com.hk ::::::::

    I've personally found one specific foam brand to be better than any of the ones available locally- Flents. But I've only found these in the US and the UK.

    If your neighbour is breaking noise ordinances, you can always call building management or place an online complaint with the police. For the latter, do a forum search on "noisy" and one of the threads has the URL for the complaint form.

    Last edited by jgl; 12-05-2010 at 02:46 PM.