Someone just told me that she put on 3 pounds during the week due to menstruation.
I asked my wife whom wasn't sure and said possible.
Is this possible?
I'm a guy by the way and not sure and, yes, this is a serious question.
Someone just told me that she put on 3 pounds during the week due to menstruation.
I asked my wife whom wasn't sure and said possible.
Is this possible?
I'm a guy by the way and not sure and, yes, this is a serious question.
Yes, very possible. You put on 3 pounds when eating a big meal! People who worry about their weight at that level have granularity have some bigger problem.
Last edited by PDLM; 29-05-2010 at 11:02 AM.
The weight gain is mainly due to fluid retention. That can be normal but if there is anything unusual: puffiness, tiredness unusual urinary habits its better to consult a GP or a gynae
Also some women crave chocolate and sweet stuff when they're premenstrual so there could be a bit of extra weight going on due to temporary overeating.
My wife puts on about that in the week prior, and loses it in the following week - nothing to do with overeating in her case, just part of the normal cycle.
virago, why in the world would a woman be telling you this private information????
that is very much a case of TMI, if i ever heard one.... one thing to be discussing it with your bf/husband or girlfriends, but just some guy, or even a close guy friend... yikes!
i usually drop off a lb or two in the toilet after a big meal. I once had a staff that would weigh himself every time before going for dump and then weigh himself again to see how much he dropped off.
I weigh myself every morning (part of my 'try not to overeat' mechanism) and yes, it cycles by about a kilo to 1.5kg at 'that time of the month'. Mainly fluid retention. But also many other things cause fluctuations - I find that the day after hard exercise I also gain weight (I think fluid retention in muscles as the glycogen has been stored) and then after 1 or 2 days it releases and then there is a big dip in weight ... all sorts of things change weight. Quite fascinating actually.