iPad vs Kindle demographics

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    iPad vs Kindle demographics

    From tomshardware Kindle Owners Older and Richer Than iPad Owners

    Nielsen recently conducted a study of 5,000 people who already own a tablet, ebook reader, netbook, media player or smartphone and found that, despite the iPad's higher price tag, Kindle users are richer than those willing to fork out for an iPad. According to Nielsen's survey, 44 percent of them make more than $80,000/year compared to 39 percent of iPad owners and 37 percent of iPhone owners.

    Nielsen also found that iPad owners tend to be younger and male; 65 percent of iPad owners are male, while 63 percent are under the age of 35. When it comes to the genders of Kindle owners, it's nearly half and half, with 52 percent of owners being male, and 48 percent being female.

    Nielsen also mentioned that Kindle owners are better educated with 27 percent having Master's degrees or doctorates, but failed to give any statistic for iPad owners.

    The original source is Nielsen, and it also reports that iPad owners are for some reason far more receptive to online advertising than general computer users.

    The Connected Devices Age: iPads, Kindles, Smartphones and the Connected Consumer | Nielsen Wire

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Yes that sounds right. Our CEO showed me his Kindle yesterday and doesn't have an ipad. He earns substantially more than $80k a year.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    I thought the gender difference and the advertising preferences were more interesting, but it is understandable that the earning comparison made the headline.

    I've been using an iPad off and on for the last couple of weeks. Good idea, but the execution keeps winding me up. Sharp corners on the case + super glossy screen just scream that the designers prized cosmetics far over function.

    On the other hand, an instant-on, portable web browser is pretty good to have around.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    in my home
    Quote Originally Posted by jgl:
    I thought the gender difference and the advertising preferences were more interesting, but it is understandable that the earning comparison made the headline.

    I've been using an iPad off and on for the last couple of weeks. Good idea, but the execution keeps winding me up. Sharp corners on the case + super glossy screen just scream that the designers prized cosmetics far over function.

    On the other hand, an instant-on, portable web browser is pretty good to have around.
    i think its a great device, with some limitations and problems. but as 4.2 hits it should be made into a much more usable device, so im looking forward to that assuming i can still jailbreak it.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    I can see why many people would really like the device. From a functionality perspective, I think it's great.

    I'm just very touchy when I sense that a manufacturer treats its customers with distain or contempt. I just can't get over the flagrantly poor physical design of the latest Apple devices... the iPhone, iPad and wireless mouse are all designed to look sexy but are complete pants from a comfort perspective so I infer that the decision has been conciously made to sell on looks rather than long term comfort.

    Meh, this rant has been done too many times before. I'll just stop it now. And wait for Android devices to come out later.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    has anyone used the Sony PRS-900?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    That flicker between pages is annoying.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by virago:
    That flicker between pages is annoying.
    I thought so too when I bought my Sony. And then I stopped noticing it within 15 minutes of use.