We have just bought a camera from Pro Shop located in Causeway Bay. Went there with the intention to purchase Canon G15 which we were told the best price for it is HKD2800, which seems a rather good buy but we were convinced (or rather swayed) by the salesman that another model Canon SX500 IS has a better specs and is way more expensive. He is willing to lower the price to HKD3000 for us and convinced us that this camera has more superior specs compared to the camera we wanted i.e G15.
We being novice in camera and only wished to get a good camera to take pics of our lil girl took his word and purchased the SX500 IS only to discover that it retails way cheaper (ABOUT HKD1000 lower than G15 model as published in Canon HK Website). The retail price of G15 is HKD3,980 whereas the SX500 IS is HKD2,980 in the offical canon website. Feeling cheated, we immediately called the shop and asked if we could return the camera and exchanged it for G15 model (note that we called them 1 hour after the purchase!) but the salesman denied the price difference and even said that he had already explained the specs to us and we make the decision to purchase the latter model.
Do we have a case to report to the consumer tribunal? We admit we were foolish to take the word of a salesman. Wondering if there is anythign we can do.