What was the scam?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    What was the scam?

    So i was looking to get a backup camera a few months ago, specifically for a micro four thirds camera which I did not purchase during it's release over a year ago, but was hoping to find at a reduced price after they had introduced the new models.

    I was looking mostly at Fortress and Braodway but I came across this 2nd hand shop in Mong Kok which had the model (Panasonic GF3) with two lenses kitted out, sold for for 2600, which was around the going rate for a used one at the time.
    I asked the guy a few things, checked it out and it seemed fine. I asked if it was a HK unit and if it had a warranty and he said it was but without warranty. I did ask him again after checking the camera and he sort of hesitated and then took out a receipt for it showing me it had been purchased from Man Shing, January of this year and told me it had a remaining warranty for a year from Date of purchase.

    I didn't get it then but I came back the next day to have another look. Another guy at the counter who quoted me 2800 for the camera, 200 more than the previous guy and said there was no warranty even after asking him several times.

    I walked away from that and eventually bought one at Fortress. I'm still a little curious as to what exactly was going on. Apart from the conflicting info and prices, one other thing that makes me think it was some kind of scam was the receipt showed the purchased date in January 2013 with a price of 5999, or something similar to the price when the camera was first released over a year ago. I know for a fact that Man Shing/Wing Shing stores lowered their price for that particular kit to around 5280 in August 2012 and I'm not even sure if they still had this in stock by November.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    If there's no price clearly stated then of course the price will vary on what they think you can afford.

    Always get the name of the person you spoke to and ask them to write down the price if you're not buying there and then.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    I'm used to salespeople changing prices to get more profit, especially when they think they are dealing with tourists. That wasn't such a concern since I was going to ask for a lower price if I had gone ahead with it.

    The thing with the receipt is what I can't figure out. I did check to make sure that the S/N on the body and box matched it and they did.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Tai Hang

    I think you are looking for a scam where there isn't one. Why care?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Well where was the store that it was purchased from for $5999?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    If one salesperson was claiming that there was a valid warranty, and the other denied it, it does appear quite suspicious.

    How to warranties work for electronics anyway- are they valid for the entire warranty period regardless of the owner, or are they only valid for the original owner? I suspect it's the latter as the purchaser's name is rarely on a receipt or invoice.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Tai Hang

    Why are you so sure that the price it was sold for was wrong? Do you have some kind of insider knowledge at Man Shing and have sales record that shows the receipt to be counterfeit? Man Shing/Wing Shing try their luck as much as any other store...

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by mid_gen:
    ......the receipt to be counterfeit...
    And even if so, it's just about the warranty which you probably don't need anyway. Electronics break down either within the first 3 days after purchase, or one day after warranty expiry.

    What surprises me is, that there is even a sales record. That I find a bit unusual for a 2nd hand item.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Hong Kong

    the agent/manufacturer is usually interested in the original receipt, so you can prove it was purchase through the 'official' channel/dealer, and not through black/grey market. no receipt no warranty.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    I would have gone ahead with it and taken the risk of buying used if not for that conflicting info about the warranty. They are usually valid a year from the date of purchase regardless of who bought it or change of ownership of the product.

    I know about the price difference because I checked it myself a few months back.

    Another thing I found unusual is why would they be selling a boxed set for 2600 when they could have sold the body and each lens for well over 3200 if they had taken the kit apart and chosen to sell them individually.

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