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None US / UK based email?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    None US / UK based email?

    Ladar Levison says that "I would strongly recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States".

    So, any recommendations for email or other data services which are not based in the US or UK?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Wrong side of the door to hell

    Are you a US government contractor about to release loads to classified information to Guardian reporter you met at the pub last week? Are you a Drug Cartel overlord about to release tonnes of A-grade coke onto the US market? Are you asking Aunt Doris for her top-secret bbq sauce recipe?

    If not, what is your problem? Levison is a Texan, they are prone to overreacting when asked to wait when the green man turns red, let alone cooperating with an investigation into someone who broke the laws of the United States. Ask Ouwen, he's a on second thoughts, don't ask Ouwen.

    In other news, Tinfoil hats have now been proven to actually amplify those mind control beams those nasty democratocally elected governments are using to control us all.

    lbear40, usehername and MovingIn07 like this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    No, but Hong Kong businessmen are negotiating and signing contracts. There is no reason for the US government to meddle into any of it.

    As for email provider not based in US or UK, these events have just taken place. I'm sure there are many working on it.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by kimwy66:
    Are you a US government contractor about to release loads to classified information to Guardian reporter you met at the pub last week? Are you a Drug Cartel overlord about to release tonnes of A-grade coke onto the US market? Are you asking Aunt Doris for her top-secret bbq sauce recipe?

    If not, what is your problem? Levison is a Texan, they are prone to overreacting when asked to wait when the green man turns red, let alone cooperating with an investigation into someone who broke the laws of the United States. Ask Ouwen, he's a on second thoughts, don't ask Ouwen.

    In other news, Tinfoil hats have now been proven to actually amplify those mind control beams those nasty democratocally elected governments are using to control us all.
    Are you William Hague?

    I suppose the Lawrence family had nothing to fear either ...

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Wrong side of the door to hell
    Quote Originally Posted by Creative83:
    No, but Hong Kong businessmen are negotiating and signing contracts. There is no reason for the US government to meddle into any of it.

    As for email provider not based in US or UK, these events have just taken place. I'm sure there are many working on it.

    He wasn't asking about protecting his business emails, he can do that with any encrypted mail service.

    He was asking where to find an email provider outside of the domains of UK and US, because he has watched some stuff on youtube and read someone's blog and is now convinced the US/UK governments are about to demand his email provider to hand over all his emails.

    The sun is shining here in France, if it is where you are I suggest getting outside and taking a deep breath, look around you, talk to your family and realise what is important in life. You only have one, stop spending it living in fear of something that will never happen.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by kimwy66:
    He wasn't asking about protecting his business emails, he can do that with any encrypted mail service.

    He was asking where to find an email provider outside of the domains of UK and US, because he has watched some stuff on youtube and read someone's blog and is now convinced the US/UK governments are about to demand his email provider to hand over all his emails.

    The sun is shining here in France, if it is where you are I suggest getting outside and taking a deep breath, look around you, talk to your family and realise what is important in life. You only have one, stop spending it living in fear of something that will never happen.
    If the sun is shining, why are you on this thread? Why don't you go outside, take a deep breathe, and then not come back? Or are you afraid that someone will say something that doesn't align with your warped mind? If you don't come back, I won't miss you.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Years ago, when I worked for UKGov I was told by our head of IT that, on average, any email sent through a commercial email provider (yahoo etc) would be read by 9 people other than the sender/receiver, and any email sent through the Gov secure network would be read by 3 others. So I gave up expecting privacy on my emails a long time ago. But then again I don't write anything interesting in my emails anyway so I really don't care who reads them.

    kimwy66 likes this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Grüne Hölle (CWB)
    Quote Originally Posted by usehername:
    Years ago, when I worked for UKGov I was told by our head of IT that, on average, any email sent through a commercial email provider (yahoo etc) would be read by 9 people other than the sender/receiver, and any email sent through the Gov secure network would be read by 3 others. So I gave up expecting privacy on my emails a long time ago. But then again I don't write anything interesting in my emails anyway so I really don't care who reads them.
    Read by 9+ people? Where on Earth do you suppose the requisite number of people might be found? There are an estimated 200 billion emails sent around the world each day. Even if we assume these mysterious email-readers each can read 2,000 emails per day, that's still a billion people doing nothing but reading emails...

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Wrong side of the door to hell
    Quote Originally Posted by drumbrake:
    If the sun is shining, why are you on this thread?
    I was having my lunch, but thanks for your concern. Since then I have indeed been outside, fixed a sticky window, polished a lovely little Victorian writing desk and marvelled at the craftmanship it took to make it. Life is about the small things don't you think?

    And not once in those few hours have I worried about my email to my husband asking him to make sure the dog was bathed and not smelly when we got back being read by anyone other than my husband. I also wasn't concerned when I rang him on his mobile that someone was listening in and having a chuckle at my expense because hubby was down Wanchai having had one or two too many.

    Quote Originally Posted by drumbrake:
    Why don't you go outside, take a deep breathe, and then not come back?
    Cheers! I do love it when a man engages in intelligent discourse on a given subject.

    So is this how the internet works for you Drum, you say something and we read it, accept it entirely at face value and totally agree? So we should all be like you, read something someone has said and immediately act on that without question?
    chris_yang22 likes this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Original Post Deleted
    Possibly but that would require her to have a sense of humour and as I said, she was the head of IT...
    chris_yang22 likes this.

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