the stand alone dehumidifiers run on anything b/w 100 and 300w on average. I have one that used to work just fine in a 400sqft serviced appartment and it now keeps my spare-room/study dry. this is where we keep albums, books, papers, computers, camera lenses, linen, etc.. it's actually an overkill for one room but it's not enough for the whole unit.
they work very well if you don't have too high expectations of them (ie one small unit will not keep an entire 1000sqft unit within the desired humidity range, but 2 or so placed correctly will).
As PDLM says, they are a closed unit, so they pump heat into the room... and due to the wonderful laws of conservation of energy, that means that they pump no more than 100-300w of heat into the room, ie about the same as a few incandescant bulbs, or a fraction of the heat generated by an LCD TV.
if you run a few of these units, they will cost less than A/C to run, and will have a small impact on temperature. You will also not need to bother with the in cupboard dehumifier things.