Webcam as security camera?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Clear Water Bay

    Webcam as security camera?

    We have recently been having some theft issues at work. I for one would like to install a webcam on my office computer, which would then be used as a security camera when I am not there. Yes, I have the approval of the management so that is not a concern.

    I am thinking something that only records (to the computer hard drive) when there is motion and is low light capable. No need for an IP camera or remote viewing. Is there a specific webcam that would work for this? Or could any low-light camera work with some specific, motion detecting software? I have seen cameras in the computer center in MK that have IR emitters for fairly low prices. Would something like this be what I need? Suggestions please. Thanks.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quarry Bay

    A friend recently set up a 3 (or was it 2) security cameras set with a set top DVD recorder for around $1800

    This was done after doing research and have concluded that using a web cam was not a viable option mainly because the recording software usually are crap, it ate too much HD space, the options was so limited that it was just not viable to record on a long term basis, lack of options limits webcam vs security cams... motion sensor activated software?

    Seeing her security software, it looks like it's designed only for a specific camera...

    If IP cams are a option, Ive seen some that hooks up to a router then you can instruct it to record to a external source..

    After just thinking all this... why not just lock your stuff up whenever you walk out, laptops use a kensington lock? cheaper alternatives..

    or people stealing your paper clips, pens and A4 paper?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Maybe you can try this

  4. #4