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I don't want PCCW

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  1. #41

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina
    Quote Originally Posted by PDLM:
    I have found with PCCW that the connection gradually "clogs up" (I'm not sure what's going on technically) if you just stay connected with the same IP for extended periods (i.e. days or more). When this becomes noticeable a simple release and reconnect on the router generally brings up a new, and much faster connection.
    This was pretty good advice!
    My connection had ground into the floor (speedtest: ping 1865ms DL 0.6Mbps UL 0.13MBps) so I did a test.... I unplugged the PCCW modem and replugged it and retested: new ping 23ms DL 6.56MBps and UL 0.47Mbps.
    Then I booted up the smartone modem and connected to that - this was is giving ping 46ms DL 2.41Mbps and UL 1.06Mbps.

    So the smartone is better than the "clogged up" PCCW but slightly worse than the "refreshed" PCCW.....

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    hong kong

    I ran those same tests before and latency just reverts to " clogged " status within a very short space of time. Its not a viable fix to the problem of hang ups, time outs and ( like it happening to a few people reporting ) having to refresh several time to get the web page.

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