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Google/Gmail Account 2 Step Verification (2 step auth)

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Google/Gmail Account 2 Step Verification (2 step auth)

    I've recently noticed that Google now offers 2 step auth to login to the Google Account and therefore Gmail, Calendar, Google Doc etc, this provides an additional layer of security when signing in.

    Instead of using login/password only, you need to enter a verification code in addition, just like you need for some online banking. But instead of a security device, you can use your phone (iPhone, Android, Blackberry), iPod or a normal phone via SMS or voice message. If you use the iPhone/iPod app, you don't even need to be online to generate the verification code.

    How it works - Accounts Help

    If you have some apps accessing your Google account (ie. Outlook, or Gmail on your phone), you can setup application specific passwords that work for that purpose only).

    Sounds a bit complicated, but if you have a lot of stuff on your Google Account you may want to look into this option. If this has been around for a long time, then I apologize for the dust.

    Last edited by 100LL; 21-03-2011 at 02:16 PM.
    Rob2020 likes this.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Good of you to share, this is indeed a relatively new option.
    It seems like being well worthwhile (I admit, I haven't gotten around to it yet ... excuse.. excuse.. )
    But I will!

    Essentially,if you meet the following critera;
    - use gmail
    - care about your gmail
    - access google services on multiple PC's/devices/services (e.g. allowing facebook to download your contact list)
    You should use this

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Plus if you don't care about Google adding yet more of your personal information to their already enormous database on you...

    bookblogger and Fenix2 like this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by PDLM:
    Plus if you don't care about Google adding yet more of your personal information to their already enormous database on you...
    What additional personal information will they be adding about you?

    I'm guessing if you are using the two form authenticator via text message, then it will have your phone number?

    If you are using it as an iphone or Android app, what extra info are they adding?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    They're associating your phone number with your email address. I see no reason to give Google my phone number. (In fact I see little reason to give Google anything - I only use their services anonymously)

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Well, if you use your wife's phone number as your backup, then they will now know that one too.

    But I don't care - they already know who I am talking to and which Yoga club I visit (Gmail), where I'll be next Tuesday (Calendar), what my current monthly expenses are (Spreadsheet on Google docs), how my loved ones look like (face recognition via Picasa), and actually where I am right now (GPS via Google App on iPhone), I guess that phone number won't make a huge difference ;-)

    The 2-step verification is still a nice addition, considering all that data they have and that more and more is moving into the cloud.

    Last edited by 100LL; 21-03-2011 at 02:42 PM.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by 100LL:
    But I don't care - they already know who I am talking to and which Yoga club I visit (Gmail), where I'll be next Tuesday (Calendar), what my current monthly expenses are (Spreadsheet on Google docs), how my loved ones look like (face recognition via Picasa), and actually where I am right now (GPS via Google App on iPhone), I guess that phone number won't make a huge difference ;-)
    Indeed. I guess I'm just a bit old-fashioned in preferring a bit of privacy.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by 100LL:
    But I don't care - they already know who I am talking to and which Yoga club I visit (Gmail), where I'll be next Tuesday (Calendar), what my current monthly expenses are (Spreadsheet on Google docs), how my loved ones look like (face recognition via Picasa), and actually where I am right now (GPS via Google App on iPhone), I guess that phone number won't make a huge difference ;-)
    I wouldn't be happy with any of that, let alone all of it. Google is not a benign company.
    Fenix2 likes this.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Wait until Google acquires Facebook (or the other way around) and combines their databases, that's when thing start to get interesting.

    If they could then also get ahold of Shri's database server we we'd be all doomed!

    Last edited by 100LL; 21-03-2011 at 08:01 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by PDLM:
    They're associating your phone number with your email address. I see no reason to give Google my phone number. (In fact I see little reason to give Google anything - I only use their services anonymously)
    PDLM, I think there is no helping some people. It is great that you bother to try to save some of these lemmings. You have to wonder who is the bigger idiot the guys handing all the private data over or the business owners which don't abused peoples privacy like Google.

    My guess is Google will want people's physical address soon...

    BTW have a look at the BetterPrivacy Adon for Firefox, Flash also has cookies which are far more advanced and powerful than normal cookies and don't expire.. This addon allows you to remove or manage them to your liking. Youtube and many sites place these on your desktop. Some I found are up to 40K in size.
    Last edited by Fenix2; 21-03-2011 at 09:55 PM.
    PDLM likes this.

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