Someone needs to setup some wodden plank on your screen .....or just put an armed guard in front of your PC to protect it.
You're welcome Moving, you may send the above ot your IT Helpdesk, they will probably get ot.
Good, I'll try tomorrow. I already tried asking them if we should be reporting this to the ISP (another earlier suggestion) and the helpdesk just replied "no this is normal just wait for it to go away". But I don't think something that blocks our firm from using the internet for most of an afternoon can possibly be described as "normal". If it were "normal" I would have experienced it in the past!
It's probably BE who was messing around.
Now that the ghost took his guitar the guy is desperate and he may well be playing a bit...remember he cna SEE you from his home...
you can, but if they don't do this by default, I doubt your email will make them do it now. This is SOP for a denial of service attack, and basic security for any ISP/help desk that provides your connectivity. An open router with no rules is just asking for problems.
Doyou run a web server oe mail server on site?or even have a fixed ip address? If you dont then there would be little point in attacking you ip ... How would they even know you are there unlesss you use pccw with their stupid router that has port 22 open ..