GPU>>>>>>CPU>>>HD>heat/memory issues
if ur gonna game, get the best GPU u can, the 630m barely scratches the surface, it won't matter which CPU u get since ur already bottlenecked by the GPU... if ur game hangs, it's because ur GPU failed u, not the i5...
almost no games benefit off of the i7 right now... only people that pair an i7 with a gaming rig is if they're building only the best of the best, which ur not... get a notebook that has the best GPU that u can afford + an i5... anyone that tries to sell u an i7 with a weak GPU and says ur gaming performance will be great is straight lying to ur face...
a 17" notebook + power brick is gonna be atleast 10lbs, that's before the weight of ur bag, ur accessories, any books/papers/files u also need to carry... I have a 2.9lb ultrabook and I'm complaining about carrying it walking around HK...