TiKTok server for HongKongers
Any smart person able to set up network server for HongKongers.
This web site offer such exceptionally excellent truthful information, news, events, insights, not to miss and be informed.
Serve the pople.
TiKTok server for HongKongers
Any smart person able to set up network server for HongKongers.
This web site offer such exceptionally excellent truthful information, news, events, insights, not to miss and be informed.
Serve the pople.
And tiktok is a firehose of misinformation for the credulous. Home of the Tide Pod challenge, and the latest thing I saw there was some moron's life hack for never paying interest on a mortgage.
Edit: @young707 how do you expect someone to magically conjure this up, do you have any idea about how much bandwidth and fast storage would be needed to do something like this, even if it was legal?
As a very small example, this is what Netflix was using a decade ago. You'd want... I don't know how many dozens... of these things to host Tiktok locally.
This is... exactly the kind of request that reflects the stereotype consumer of Tiktok.
"Serve the pople." Yeah, sums it up well.
Last edited by jgl; 30-03-2023 at 10:28 AM.
I'm going to say it here.
One of the guys in my social circle is going down the 'tiktok has good information on it' path. It's a bit disturbing to witness as the stuff he is forwarding on is... frankly... dumb shite. And all the comments on these posts are just an echo chamber of ignorance.
We're not sure what's going on with him- is a smart guy on the whole. It's almost like he desperately wants to believe some of this stuff about how to save money and is willing to just suspend any of the usual 'bullshit filters' because he wishes so hard that this stuff was true. We've watched some of this stuff, and we can't figure out whether the posters genuinely believe what they are saying and are simply uneducated, if they have some ulterior angle that they are pushing at, or whether they are just batshit conspiracy theorists.
I'm sure there's some good stuff there, as well as plenty of purely entertaining stuff. But there's a huge amount of total garbage there and relying on it to 'be informed' is just a bad, bad idea.
I watched the entire 6 hours of hearings. The percentage of garbage tossed at the CEO of TikTok was about equal to the percentage of garbage on any social media platform.
Come on, Congress asked Mark Zuckerberg how to fix the clock on a VCR. What kind of sensible line of questioning would you expect them to throw at TikTok?
Well, would you prefer a TikTok data center or a weapons manufacturing facility? You can't have both!
https://www.theguardian.com/technolo...n-nammo-norwayWe are concerned because we see our future growth is challenged by the storage of cat videos
Be grateful it is blocked. Lots of so-called "news" stories online have TikToks in them and, god forbid you open them, your ears will never be the same. Volume is set for overcoming aircraft engine noise I think (or deaf Gen Zs and millenials). You have to scramble to hit the mute button. The choice of music also not being my favorite (said this boomer...).
TikTok, as mentioned above, is indeed an excellent source of cat videos (as is much of the Internet) as well as clever dance moves that, even in my youth, I would never have been able to accomplish. And that's about it, as far as "useful" information. I have noticed that YouTube now has TikToks that I think you can view on their platform without going out to TikTok itself. So if YouTube does not itself have enough cat videos, you can get the TikTok cat video curated collection on YouTube.
For example, I believe even you guys in HK can watch these...(they call them "shorts" but we know what they are...).
Also felt more than a little racist/xenophobic. Probably half of the panel couldn't find Singapore on a map or think it's a city in Mainland China. They acted like the CEO was a member of the communist party. Couldn't watch more than some of it, kind of an embarrassment. So much of the US just an embarrassement these days, very sad...