Wifi & Netvigator

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Question Wifi & Netvigator

    I know there has been a ton of stuff written on this topic, I have read it all but somehow I still can't seem to reach a solution. I am new to HK and if anyone tech-savvy out there can help I would be very grateful.

    My situation is this:
    I have subscribed to NOW TV & Netvigator Broadband, received a free Modem (Dareglobal DB180) and would like to hook up my WiFi Router (Netgear DG834G) to connect a bunch of laptops, radios etc wirelessley.

    - The fixed line connections are: Phone--> Modem ---> Router
    - I can connect to the internet via cable from laptop to Modem
    - I can connect to the WiFi Network from my laptop (but not to internet)
    - The Router has been configured to use PPoE, with the Netvigator login and password

    The problem is that I cannot get the Router to connect to the internet via the Modem.

    Can anyone help ?


  2. #2

    Port 1 on the modem has to go to the NOW TV box. Plug your router into any other port.

    Sometimes PPoE takes a few attempts to get a successful login.

  3. #3

    Try doing a power cycle of all the modems and routers, turn them all off, then power on in this sequence:

    Dareglobal Modem -> 2 minutes wait -> Now TV set-top box -> 30 seconds wait -> Netgear router

    Make sure you have added the suffix @netvigator.com after your login ID in PPPoE settings, if you did not change your password, it should be first 5 characters of your HKID (A123456(7) = A12345; XD123456(7) = XD1234).

    Also, you cannot plug in your router AND your computer directly to Dareglobal at the same time, as your login ID only allow 1 simultaneous login.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Thanks Lowlight & VictorminC for the fast replies..

    I had the Now TV in Port 1 of the Modem and I have tried the power-up sequence you suggested - but still no joy.

    Some further thoughts:

    The PCCW guy set something up on my laptop, so whenever I try to connect to the internet (whether via cable or WiFi) it goes through a dial-up 'Broadband Connection' which in turn tries to use a 'WAN Miniport (PPPE..)'. Unless I am connected directly to the modem by cable it fails to connect to the internet at this stage. Could this be the source of mischief - as I am trying to use WiFi instead ?

    When using WiFI, on the Network Map, it shows that the laptop can connect to the Router, but then it shows a break between the Router and the internet.

    Lastly, I have the cable connecting the Modem to the Router entering the Router where I used to plug in the telephone line when I was in the UK. Is this correct ?

    Thanks for your help and advice,

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    If your using the Netgear DG834G as specified in your original post means you have a model of router with the built in ADSL modem, I am not sure you can connect to Netvigator without using their modem though, you should try connecting the Netgear directly to the wall socket.

    If you do a search, there have been many threads where people have unsuccessfully tried to install their own router/ gateway without the use of the netvigator modem, this seems to be the crux of your problem.

    In a normal world your Netgear router should work without the need of the supplied modem as it already has a built in one, However PCCW don't like to play nice like that!

    The reason why you need the supplied modem is to get NowTV to work, otherwise it will have a hard time connecting. as the digibox needs to make a separate connection to the internet aswell.

    The solution is you need to buy a normal cable router with wireless that does not have the built in adsl modem. the wireless router must sit behind the supplied netvigator modem, this will allow NowTV to work.

    Your current router may work directly, but you will have issues with your NowTV.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Mid Levels

    Dont know if its Netvigator or what but i have a situation where if i power up my laptop near the wireless router i will never connect to the internet, if i power up in another room it will connect to the internet and then if i am sitting around the wireless router the internet will work, Kinda strange but i had the tech guy try to fix it and even he could not get it to work, so a long shot in the dark is go try to boot your system in close proximity where you can still connect to the router. Good luck

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Strange but true... I bought a new Router, and to my dismay that didn't work either for a couple of days. Then I walk to the other side of the room, try to connect via WiFi and it works...

    How odd..but thanks for the tip.
