Any recommendations and where to buy it? Does it come with instructions on how to install it? I'm a technology-challenged person. Thanks!
Any recommendations and where to buy it? Does it come with instructions on how to install it? I'm a technology-challenged person. Thanks!
mong kok , wan chai , sham shui po, computer centres...around 250HKD...I joined HKBN 2 year contract, they provided me a wireless router free of charge...
Yes they all come with a lot of instructions and some with special "one button" setups.
Also consider PCCW can supply wireless routers with their modem.
Routers come in all shapes, sizes, and prices, Apple gear tends to be on the small side but comes at a premium and works best with an Apple computer.
Most computer centers will have it. Already mentioned above mong kok, wanchai, sham shui po. Good ones (the N ones) usually cost alot more. That is if you need a N router supposed to the cheaper G router. G routers usually cost around 250HKD-300GKD while the N ones can skyrocket all the way to 700-900HKD. The N routers are not required if your place isn't very big. The only difference is area coverage, N being able to cover a wider distance.
Good Luck!
It's both, triple radios provide significantly better area coverage. It's been covered in PCM magazine a couple of weeks ago too.
More importantly the extra transfer rate is utterly useless for most people, you will only need extra bandwidth if you are transferring files from another computer or file server.
I just bought a Linksys (Cisco) 11N router for about $700 in Mong Kok. Its a nice sleek black model with no external antennas. Supposedly it has 8 internal antennas.
A nice feature I notice on some high end routers these days is a USB port that you can plug a hard disk or other storage device into and then transform it into a NAS. ie You can access your HD from all your computers in the house wirelessly.
Last edited by bdw; 07-01-2010 at 10:27 AM.
Posted via Mobile Device
just purchased Belbin from Fortress in Aberdeen. Below $500, N-level and included installation CD that made all the hard job. Basically plug, install CD, press button and surf wireless.
Posted via Mobile Device