Phone line / Broadband / TV set up

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hong Kong

    Phone line / Broadband / TV set up

    Really sorry for starting a new thread - I have searched but not found the answers.

    We are about to move into our flat and I would like to set up the land line / BB / and TV.

    Where can I find information about the packages available with PCCW? Their website is not very user friendly, the only information I can find is about the TV channels! I would rather have a good idea of what I want before I call them, rather than get up-sold something I don't need because I don't know what the alternatives are. Would also like to discuss various options with the boyfriend before we make the call.

    I have seen all the horror stories about PCCW but take the view that all telecoms sompanies are generally as bad as each other, and most people I've asked have said this is still the most straightforward way to get all the above.

    How long does it normally take to get it all set-up? Not looking forward to being without internet for too long!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    I suggest you go to the next PCCW shop and ask in person, sometimes they have promotions, you can ask questions and let them work out the packages for you.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hong Kong

    Thanks, Raccon, that's what I did in the end! They don't make it easy!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hong Kong

    Right, so they meant to be coming tomorrow to install. But tonight I get a phone call saying there aren't enough lines to my building, so we have to wait!! I think this is simply not true - the previous tenants had broadband, in fact they gave us their wireless router, they only left last week! I have also spoken with the managing agent who said there is no problem and everyone else has broadband. Now waiting for a call back from the guy who sold us this contract and claims there aren't enough lines! Aaaaarrrrggghhhh!!!!