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Help! Unable to connect USB Modem to Window 7 laptop

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  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Gold Coast Marina

    Help! Unable to connect USB Modem to Window 7 laptop

    My husband got me a mini-laptop running Windows 7 for my birthday. It's lovely and light, but it REFUSES to connect my Huawei E156G USB Modem to the internet. I keep getting error 633 and it says something else is using my modem.

    I'm using Smartone Vodafone Mobile Connect, but have also tried the 3 software and also got exactly the same problem with my SmartBro USB modem (same model) in the Philippines.

    I cannot disable the modem, as it says it is "in use". BUT IT'S NOT in use.

    Anyone come across this problem? Windows 7 is a complete mystery to me and I have no idea if it's a Windows issue or a laptop issue or what. THe USB modem works fine on my mac and my other windows pc.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    in a little hole

    generally these modems have a setup program installed on them, try going to "my computer" and see if u can see your modem thenre under "devices with removable storage". right click, explore, run the installer. this may help.... the auto installer might not be working on windows 7... dunno, just a thought

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    Auto installer of the HK stick is working but it fails when it gets to the modem, so if I just use the HK stick then I cannot even see the modem as a device.

    I can install the device drivers by using my (identical) Philippine stick, which seems to have the drivers on it .. but this still does not allow it to connect.

    Been at it about 3 days now. Is there anyone out there who really KNOWS this stuff? I have surfed every forum I can find but nobody seems to have a sensible solution.

    All I can think is that when I use the drivers that came with the SmartBro modem, somehow they are "locked" and that when I try to dial my HK number (with my unlocked but identical HK card) it is deemed to be locked to the SmartBro software. Does that make sense to anyone in the know?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2006

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMoo:
    Well that was good for a laugh. Since I have tried to use this new laptop with Window 7 I have tried to connect to:

    * 3G mobile broadband in the Philippines using a Huawei e156g USB modem (FAILED)
    * 3G mobile broadband in HK using a different Huawei e156g USB modem (FAILED)
    * A free hotel network in Makati Intercontinental (SUCESS)
    * A free hotel network in the New World Hotel Makati (FAILED)
    * A password protected network in my clients office in Manila (FAILED)
    * A password protected network in my lawyers office in HK (FAILED)
    * My home wifi network (SUCESS, but intermittment)
    * A network created by my Mac (after connecting to various of the above, after the Windows pc would not) - SUCESS but only after alot of fiddling around

    I would not call it an unqualified networking sucess.

    My mac connects to all of the above, every time, without fail.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hong Kong


    Did you have any luck with your 3g dongle? I just saw this one:

    Buy a Zoom USB 3G Tri-Band Modem (Unlocked, HSDPA/HSUPA), #4595-00-00F - eXpansys UK

    in a review. Don't know if that is what you are after.

  7. #7

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    Gold Coast Marina

    I ended up purchasing a DLink portable wifi-modem - basically you put your SIM card into the modem and it creates a normal wifi signal that up to 5 laptops can connect to. The piece of kit is about the size of a phone, so it's quite convenient to keep in my bag, and create a wifi spot whereever I am. Downside is that the battery only lasts about 4 hours of run-time, but that's normally enough for me as mostly I need it for my bus ride to/from work.

    So, in answer to your question, no, I never solved my problem. And indeed my Sony Vaio is now refusing even to connect to wifi (I've stopped using it and reverted to my mac) but the mobile modem is a better solution all round (it does not stick out the side of the computer on the bus for a start!).

    I have no idea if all my problems with the Vaio are Vaio problems or Windows 7 problems - but compared with my mac the darn thing drives me crazy!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    in a little hole

    MO7, where did you get the DLink pocket wi-fi thing from? what is it worth? sorry for prying

    My USB modem works fine with windows XP and Mac OSX, but it disconnects often from linux and I prefer running my XP-based machine on linux, and the ability of the wi-fi to connect to a few machines sounds neat.

  9. #9

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    Gold Coast Marina

    Golden computer centre. It cost circa 1800 if I recall correctly - about 2 months ago. They were quite new then, more recently I have seen more of them there.

    dropdedfwed likes this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quarry Bay

    not sure if this will apply to you but who knows, maybe it will at least help you head toward the right path to get it working..

    I have a Huawei HSUPA USB Modem Model: MF636 & Use CSL Next G

    You have to upgrade the modem via a rom flash which was available for me on CSL web site, after flashing, I then needed to uninstall the current connection software which was installed prior to the flash update, after which it installed a new version connection manager, I actually don't run Windows 7, I use XP because I have a lot of proprietary software that was designed for the xp kernel, anyways.. my classmates have laptops that runs windows 7 and they have borrowed my USB modem from time to time and I have not heard them complain, but based off the readme notes, it claims that this update will supports windows 7.

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