Cheapest, easiest, and fastest internet access from laptop

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Cheapest, easiest, and fastest internet access from laptop

    I am moving to hk soon, and will be taking my laptop. I am wanting to get connected to the net as soon as I arrive. I am wondering how to get the easiest, cheeapest and fastest internet access. Are there free wireless networks in hk? are they reliable? and do they have download limits? any recommended options would be appreciated

  2. #2

    Take a look at this webpage:

    I've personally tried Festival Walk in Kowloon Tong and it is pretty fast with only the occasional drop in connection strength. There's usually two or more networks that you can connect to. Not aware of any downloading limits.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hong Kong

    heh, hk is full of unsecured networks