mobile subscription plans

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Talking mobile subscription plans

    Hi Everyone..
    I am going to touch down in Hk on the 19th..and was wondering whats the best plan for mobile phone subscription..

    My average monthly bill amounts to about 100 singapore dollars(about 460 HKD/MONTH).

    I already have a Nokia 3315(i like the model- don't want to get caught up with all the new mms/techi phones, unless i get it almost free ).

    What do you guys suggest as far as reception, bill amount, incoming free?..outgoing ..IDD..convenice , better service..

    And last but not the least ,do they have a similiar thing, where if you subscribe for a 2 year plan they give you a good phone heavily subsidised?..

    thanks and appreciate all the responses!!..

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    from my recent experience, handsets are not subsidised here in HK. you say you like your phone OK, so you should be able to subscribe to service and just stick the new SIM in your handset. why pay out $2000 + when you dont need to.

    prices move all the time on new subscriptions, and the add-ons can be a bit too much in some cases - you hvae to decide what you want and keep it simple, then it is just a case of walking between the different shops and comparing plans.

    i use 1010 from CSL, but Sunday, SmarTone, People's Phone etc are all out there to choose from

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    thanks there graemk...will check up on that lead..anyone else here with other adive or inputs on the above topic?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Have been with Orange for the last several years. No major problems.. 1010 is probably the most upmarket provider with Orange, Sunday and the rest following.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2003

    I've been with SmarTone for the last 3 years and quite happy with them. Coverage is excellent, enough free minutes to get carried away once in a while and IDD rates reasonable.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    Yes you can keep your IDD seperate from the mobile subscriber.

    Can recomend Zone 1511. There are others too but so far we have been using Zone 1511 which gives good rates depending where your going to call more frequently.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    thanks again

    yes the 1151 and the home number with PCCW sounds like a great option..will be sure to keep that in mind..thanks again everyone...looking forward to HK now , 5 more days to go!!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in an underground bunker at an undisclosed location

    I personally have CSL and they seem to be alright. I've had no problems with them so far. Their customer service is pretty good too. Orange and Sunday will give you tempting plans, but heard a lot of flak about their customer service.

    As for IDD, there are many providers try PCCW's 0060, or Wharf T&T 007, or New World's 009, or even CTI's to shop around and get deals for countries you frequently call. 1511 has a 'price check' mechanism on their site for you to start with.