Bought new jesus phone (at 3 for "free" basically, only with plan of course).
Came with AppleCare Protection Plan in a box.
Tried to register the plan online to get 2 years warranty.
No go, not valid at this location.
Tried couple of times.
Tried getting in touch with them through support page (which often goes to chinese if you click a link).
Cycled around a hundred times.
Called hotline, cantonese no english announcement.
Setup Genius Bar appointment as I am at ifc at lunch time.
Arrived a few minutes earlier and spoke to the first Apple guy I saw.
He checked me in and asked to wait.
Waited 10 mins till "Helen" shows up.
Explained my problem in 2 minutes.
She disappeared with my plan and serial numbers.
15 minutes go by, I am bored and need to go to the loo.
(Mainland woman on the other side of the table won't stop yelling)
Helen came back asking me to show her how i did it.
I enter my stuff and hit submit.
Saw the problem with her own eyes.
Watched her trying on her own (each time typing all the serial numbers).
Asked me to send an email to the hotline as she couldn't get it to work either (no surprise here).
Told her if I would have figured out how to send an email i would't be here.
She showed me how to click through the apple support page to end up at a phone number.
I convinced her that i already called the hotline but its chinese.
She disappeared to call the hotline.
Another 10 minutes go by.
She returned and said maybe the activation of iPhone 4S AppleCare plans doesn't yet work, i should try again later.
Oh, and my brand new iPhone 4S goes through a battery charge within hours. Not impressed.