Looking for a phone recommendation for my #2.
New or Used are both acceptable.
Budget $1500-2000, would be much happier with below $1000
Must be some decent variant of an Android able to run apps that teenagers depend on (Whatsapp, Tumbler, Snapchat, Facebook etc). It should also be able to run normal/free games.
Screen size should be bigger than an iPhone but smaller/similar to a Nexus5
She had her iPodTouch for a few years and its now caputt. I dont really want her to spend $2000 on a new one so will steer her towards a smartphone. She loves my Nexus5 but $3500 is out of the question.
Any suggestions for new or used phones? A 1 or 2 year old Samsung would be fine - I just dont know which one and would appreciate suggestions.