What apps do you find makes your life in HK easiest? Or saves you the most time and hassle?
Any that didnt work well and we should be careful of?
The other threads on this topic here are old so an updated take would be helpful.
What apps do you find makes your life in HK easiest? Or saves you the most time and hassle?
Any that didnt work well and we should be careful of?
The other threads on this topic here are old so an updated take would be helpful.
HKO app :-)
Sent from my iPhone6+ using GeoClicks
Last edited by Tom007; 16-02-2015 at 06:49 PM.
Google Maps, Openrice and SCMP.
Oh and sometimes Next Train.
I like eTransport for buses and minibuses.
Ekho - Chinese text-to-speech software (supports Cantonese, Mandarin) (text-to-speech) is very useful. I use it basically any time I don't know the address of something in Cantonese (I can't read Chinese).
Of course! How could I have forgotten?Original Post Deleted
BTW when's it getting an update?
GeoClicks, HK Observatory (run its typhoon season), Google Maps, HK June Calls
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Are the taxi apps any good?
Seems a lot if taxis uses kuaididache (快的打车).
The issue with it is not much the interface being in Chinese (you learn where to click after a while), but that the driver often call you back to confirm the pickup point.. So you need to speak Cantonese most of the times.