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Using 4G data as home internet

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong

    I have no other options so yes, we have a CSL home internet "mobile wifi" package. It's intended to be used as home internet and is unlimited. For the first few months, it was great. Now we find it drops out entirely in the evenings and (generally when we need it). Not sure if this is us, or because so many of our neighbours (who also have no choice) have ended up doing the same and possibly we just don't have the bandwidth in the area any more.

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  2. #12

    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Flat Hunter:
    $316. You must use a hot spot.
    Not a problem - I kept an old phone for exactly this purpose

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by MandM!:
    Yes I have and yes the FUP will likely kill you. But when I was doing it, I had smartone and my internet never slowed down. I have used 1-5TB per month a few times in the past.

    Now. You can pay extra to waive the FUP. But like I said smartone has a cheap package that's unlimited with no FUP.
    I went to Smartone yesterday and he only mentioned 1 package which was 298 and it was the one with FUP. He didn't mention any way to waive it but I'll go with someone better at Canto and see what happens
    He also said I couldn't switch because I'm on the 6GB plan (not unlimited) contract until 2020. Which seems extremely stupid as it's the same price and I've been with Smartone for as long as I've had a mobile phone. My only options were pay an extra $168 or 'buy a new phone' from them .... Ridiculous, some of these companies.

    Quote Originally Posted by SpeakCantonese:
    I use my Smartone as a mobile hotspot all day everday for work. It goes on at around 8am and is on until the evening... I usually hit FUP on day 2 or 3... I notice zero throttling or slow downs...I pay around 4xx per month...
    This sounds perfect then! I'll definitely be trying the Smartone thing. I think CSL does throttle according to their website.

    Thank you everyone for your comments.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Yuen Long

    If you go to Smartone use this referral code for discount... 3QUWM6

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  5. #15

    Join Date
    May 2008

    CSL offer 4.5G LTE 600 mbps
    When 5G appears here it will offer up to 1 Gbps download

  6. #16

    I’m so looking forward to dumping my PCCW account and getting 5G. May it happen sooner than later.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong

    Anyone reading my posts about my home 4G should ignore what I've said before. I now know why all our mobile devices crap out at regular intervals. One of the "corporate yachts" in the marina has a jammer and uses it when they are doing "sensitive transactions" so that nobody else can hack them. Or watch TV. Or do anything else. Assholes.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    May 2008

    if you are sure then report it in writing

    HK_Katherine likes this.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Sin bin
    Quote Originally Posted by HK_Katherine:
    Anyone reading my posts about my home 4G should ignore what I've said before. I now know why all our mobile devices crap out at regular intervals. One of the "corporate yachts" in the marina has a jammer and uses it when they are doing "sensitive transactions" so that nobody else can hack them. Or watch TV. Or do anything else. Assholes.
    That's what I call a real first world problem... sorry.

    Getting an external 4G/LTE antenna / signal booster might help you get over those periods when a nearby yacht performs black ops.

    A directional antenna would provide best protection against jamming, but if you reside on an oversized rubberduck bobbing on the waves an omnidirectional one might be a smarter choice.

    Even if you need to get the popo involved a good antenna will still be a good investment.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong

    useful. I suspect they are "above the law" (in the way that all rich people are in Hong Kong), but good to know.