I live on a boat. As such the only phone/internet/TV etc access I have is via mobile internet.
I currently have Birdie (on my phone); China Mobile 5G and CSL "Home Broadband".
The first two work much of the time but are data limited; the Home Broadband was sold as an unlimited package meant for a home (village house was the example) but the speed on this is currently absolutely dire and much of the time zero. As in, could not even open a geoexpat webpage zero let alone try doing a zoom.
So, one of the boats next to me tried Smartone 5G and said it was pretty good. They also had a "home broadband" package so I applied for it. They wanted proof of ID and address - which I supplied.
Then they email me and say my address is "invalid" and to provide a residential address. I ring them up and explain that I live on a boat at that this IS my residential address and explain i have many other telecom products at this exact same address. They say "a residential address must be on land" and refuse to discuss the matter. I point out my neighbour has got this so they do supply it to boats and they say "he must have used his residential address on land"... I point out he has no more address than I do but they just won't listen. It was like talking to a robot "cannot la". I escalated up to a manager who did zero managing and just spouted more policy.
So - question - suggestions for next steps? At the moment I am really struggling as I work from home and do a lot of Zoom; I really need a decent internet connection and 5G is the only one which shows any promise!
Is there any ombudsman which actually works?
(PS - yes I do know that living on a boat is technically illegal, no need to point that out. Been doing it for nearly 15 years including using it as my address with my HKID card to get PR, with tax office, with transport dept to get my driving licence etc etc).