Lost wedding photos from SD card - help!

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Lost wedding photos from SD card - help!


    posting this in 2 forums as desperate for advice - sorry for duplication.

    In desperate need of help - we tried to move wedding pictures from an SD card to a memory stick. There was enough space on the memory stick but when we tried to move them it said that some of the files were 'unsupported' . We clicked on 'skip' but it kept coming up. So we clicked stop.

    We went back to the SD card and copied them all again onto the desktop. I then deleted all the pictures on the memory stick.

    When we checked the desktop file there were only 191 pictures out of the 703 there. What is weird is the ones that copied were no 1 - 35 and 550 - 703
    The ones missing are the middle pictures.

    We've searched the lap top, the SD card says it is empty and the memory stick where we originally tried to copy them onto is now empty too.

    We need to take the laptop to a recovery centre, with the SD card and memory stick.
    Any recommendations of a good shop - hopefully HKside) that you think would be able to help. We can't speak a word of cantonese so english speaking would be great.

    thanks so much for your help


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    are you OK with installing program, navigate between different drives/directories ...etc ?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hong Kong

    Er, clearly not!

  4. #4

    on a mac, photorescue and mediarecover are two apps I've used to bring back images from damaged cards.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    go slow. Take a look at this, it's opensource, works on most OS, ignore filesystem and goes after raw data. If this doesn't make sense, well... like I said, go slow (don't install program while USB, SD card is attached, preferably use a diff computer, make sure you recover data to a different directory, better yet different drive)

    PhotoRec - CGSecurity

    your local tech will charge some big bucks but they are unlikely to do more than software based recovery. big 4 like kpmg would have a forensic division, but their engineers are likely based overseas and only flown in for special projects.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    See her other thread, HFF already gave her recommendations.


    Quote Originally Posted by spooky:
    go slow. Take a look at this, it's opensource, works on most OS, ignore filesystem and goes after raw data. If this doesn't make sense, well... like I said, go slow (don't install program while USB, SD card is attached, preferably use a diff computer, make sure you recover data to a different directory, better yet different drive)

    PhotoRec - CGSecurity

    your local tech will charge some big bucks but they are unlikely to do more than software based recovery. big 4 like kpmg would have a forensic division, but their engineers are likely based overseas and only flown in for special projects.