Wii Questions...

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Wii Questions...

    Looking at buying a Wii and have some basic questions...

    1) US Wii Console + Remote costs around $2500-2600 in Wanchai Comp Center / 298. Is that an ok pricing?

    2) Getting it modded costs around $1000. Is there something I should be aware of in terms of what type of modding / chip should be put in?

    3) Extra controller costs $450. Is the price ok?

    4) Any shops that sell second hand ones?

    Are there any unavoidable addons that I should buy upfront?

    Would appreciate any tips .. I'm completely ignorant when it comes to video games - but the son wants something to play Lego Indiana Jones / Star Wars.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006
    on the road again

    At 188 Wanchai Road (Dreamstore) prices are currently:
    2480 Wii sports pack (with boxing, tennis, bowling, baseball etc) one remote and nunchucks
    + 110V-220V adapter

    450 extra remote and nunchucks

    Getting a wii modded isn't fool-proof (meaning it doesn't mean all copy/downloaded games will work), and it voids your warranty...

    Games are around the 230 mark
    Wii Fit still 1100 and still amazing, Wii Fit Ski is out and it's a lot of fun!

    Lego Indiana Jones isn't out yet, (PC demo is) but I saw the Lego starwars in a shop on the 2nd floor at 188 Wanchai Rd

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    A bit out of the way (Especially with the current visa woes) but perhaps interesting for comparison...

    In Shenzhen you can get the base unit, 2 controllers and 12 games for ~2500 RMB

  4. #4

    Modding is not exactly 'set it and forget it'. You have to take care, because some games install compulsory firmware updates which may brick your console. I think the newer chips have switches, so you can disable the mod chip if you need to.

    IMO it's always best not to mod. Support the developers by buying their products! They are entertaining you and your family, don't they deserve to be paid?

    $450 should be for a remote AND nunchuck, not just the remote (but shop around, you should be able to get these for $400 unless prices have gone up lately)

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    One of the big reasons we need modded consoles is not to pirate ... but to backup. With the kids (son and half the neighborhood) who use the systems, none of the disks we put out survive for more than a couple of months.

    I am fundamentally against buying ANY system which does not allow you to back up stuff that you've paid for.

    Ontheroad - I'll have to check 188. Lego Star Wars was sold out in Wanchai Comp Center.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2006
    on the road again

    The shop that the Lego Starwars was in was on the right from the stairs, at a sort of Y junction between lanes. You have to kneel down to see the US Wii games, they're on the other side of the counter.
    Sorry I can't be more specific, I didn't take a card. This guy had other games that the other shops didn't have.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by KnowItAll:
    One of the big reasons we need modded consoles is not to pirate ... but to backup. With the kids (son and half the neighborhood) who use the systems, none of the disks we put out survive for more than a couple of months.

    I am fundamentally against buying ANY system which does not allow you to back up stuff that you've paid for.

    Ontheroad - I'll have to check 188. Lego Star Wars was sold out in Wanchai Comp Center.
    That's good that you're buying the games then

    Just keep in mind what I said about mod chips causing potential problems with the Wii. Do some more research, and maybe talk to the shop owner.

    BTW you'll have a much easier time finding games at SSP's Golden Arcade. Much better selection and prices there...

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    KIA.. We bought ours (US version with sports and 2 sets of remote+nanchucks) from Dreamstore - just as you enter 188 on Wanchai Road. It had then the best price in Wanchai - probably still does. They had the HK power adaptor as standard.

    No idea about modding.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    HK$ 2280 for the unmodded Wii in Golden Arcade + 600 for modding.

    HK$ 350-380 for the controllers.

    Couple of items I picked up .. could be FUD... include, "cannot mod version 3.2".

    I just find this weird that the gaming industry is stuck in this weird copy protection system which was abandoned well over a decade ago by computer software manufacturers (anyone remember parrallel port dongles and floppy discs with bad sectors?)

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hong Kong

    And $610 for Wii Fit the Japanese version

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