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Buying a TV

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    The World

    Buying a TV

    I'm looking for a TV 32-40 inches in size or so, but I'm wondering what level of functionality I should go for. Can people share insight into:

    * USB connectivity - can I really just plug in an external HD and play movies/TV shows or show photos etc?
    * Wifi connectivity - does this mean I can play directly off laptop? Use it as a computer monitor? Stream from my iPhone?
    * Bluetooth - how common is this? The only function I can think of is pairing with my bluetooth noise-cancelling headphones. But I live as 1 person in a 1 bedroom apartment, so its not like whether the TV is on or not will affect others apart from me.

    Of course, reliability and clear picture/sound are most important.

    Recommendations on brands, price range all appreciated!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Tsim Sha Tsui

    With USB connection, it's pretty much how you described it, as long as the TV has the right codes built in to play the files.

    Wifi is mostly to connect to your wife router, so the 'smart' part of the TV can work. Check to see the brand and what software they are using in the TV to see if you can stream from laptop or iPhone.

    Picture wise, I find it pretty much like headphones, it's down to personal preference. One person would prefer vivid colours, whilst another may not like it.

    If you opt to go into places like Fortress and Broadway, and if you are a gweilo, get a local friend to scout out how much mark down they can get on a certain TV, they can knock off so much off on the spot.

    I just bought my TV 3 days ago. It's a 32" LG, not one of those 3D or smart TVs. The marked price was $3499. Without me even looking interested, it was marked down to $2699 straight away. On further negotiations, and a colleague of mine being there that had worked in Fortress before, I got it for $1999. As the salesperson was walking off to get the TV for me, I mentioned I needed an HDMI cable, thinking I'd pay for it, but it got thrown in for free.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using GeoClicks mobile app

    Paxbritannia likes this.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Wrong side of the door to hell
    Quote Originally Posted by Proplus:

    Wifi is mostly to connect to your wife router, so the 'smart' part of the TV can work.

    All men require a wife router for the smart parts to work, without us they can't work the smart stuff out
    statman and HK_Katherine like this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    usb is great, download mp4 from computer or converter from dvd, play directly on usb as well as mp3.

    wifi, not essential. generally internet set and usable are not great via most tv, making wifi connection a bit pointless, if they had android or webos (lg newest tv just been announced) then wifi will be fully taken advantage

    not wifi stream has a lot of lag, some are really bad, ie, select a song via stream, notice takes a second lag, acceptable, but video can be laggy as hell

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    I use Wifi on my TV for some "SMART" functions but mostly to link with my NAS (via DNLA), I think the direct wifi video thing is only good for presentation slides etc.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Tsim Sha Tsui

    I really have no idea how this type of thing works. Just know I was view a photo on my phone, then a saw a new button on the screen. Pressed it and automatically the photo was on my TV!

    I think there is an app for my phone that let's me remote control my smart box. Just got to hunt it down.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using GeoClicks mobile app

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    I find WiFi, or direct cat5 network to my smart tv pretty much useless because of the lag. Maybe some brands are better. Maybe read some current reviews. USB is really straight forward, with lots of file formats supported.
    Don't go to Fortress. Use it's in Chinese, but easy to use for non-Chinese like me. Much cheaper, and stores will deliver, and install on the wall if it's not going on a stand. You'll save a lot.

    imparanoic likes this.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    I have purchased 5 sony TV's within the last 6 years (in laws, 2 for boss and 2 for myself ) from either these two stores, same building, different floors

    but price compare with, then notice how much pricier in fortress/boardway

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2009

    It doesn't really matter. Even on a dumb TV you can connect a small box that does all that (and connect via HDMI to the TV).

    But if you plan to watch downloaded movies I suggest you make a USB stick with clips in several container formats and see what it can play. AVI, H.264, MP4 (in 720, 1080), Matroshka, mpg, etc.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    My TV is connected to the net via cat5 but its only use is to update the software in the TV. I never use any of the Internet functions.

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