Another great testament of HSBC

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Another great testament of HSBC

    I moved to HK a year before my family, therefore when I set up our HSBC account it was set up as sole account. In my family my wife takes care of paying bills, writing checks, online banking etc. Therefore when she moved over we naturally wanted to have her name added to the account so that she could do the bank related tasks for our HSBC account.

    We were told that we had to convert my sole account into a joint account and in order to do so we would both need to go into the HSBC branch where the account was set up in Kwai Fong. Fair enough, so a couple of months ago we spent an hour in the branch signing documents, letting them take copy's of our IDs, doing everything necessary to convert our account.

    At the end of the meeting we were told it is OK for my wife to write checks and when our other ATM card was ready they would notify us and we would have to come to the branch to collect. Well for a few months now my wife has been doing all of the banking matters including writing checks, online transfers, ATM withdrawal, but we were never notified about our ATM card being ready for pick up.

    No big deal though, because whenever I need cash I just have my wife get some money through the ATM and hand cash off to me. However, I would like to have my own ATM card so I don't have to go through my wife to get cash. Today I decided to go in the bank to see what was going on.

    Long story short, after about 1 hour I found that the other ATM card was not available for pick up. Why? Because they show that my account is still a sole account. They asked when my wife and I came in to switch to a joint account. I told them and even showed the desk we sat at when we signed all of the documents.

    The conclusion was even though my wife and I took time from our busy schedules to do what was necessary to convert our accounts it was though it never happened and we need to go back down there and do it again. Now that I know my wife was never offically put on the account I wonder why nobody has ever mentioned that none of the checks that have been written for my account for the past months are not my signature.

    Oh, well. All I could do was laugh and figure a time for my wife and I to go down there together to repeat the process. FUN FUN FUN. I have heard HSBC has there stuff together, but I have been having bad luck with them. I would switch banks, but just too much of a hassle. Will just keep rolling with the punches in nobody knows anything land.

    Anyway just wanting to vent. God bless you if you took the time to read this long rant of a post.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Wonder if they'd clear my checks if I sign as "Mickey Mouse" ..

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2004

    That is really hard to understand, from my experience they are really anal on the signature, I've been called on it twice when I was off by a stroke or two (read: drunk).

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Ma Wan

    Actually the same happened to us! We felt quite stupid when 2 weeks later they had absolutley no documents about us having changed the account into a joint account.
    It's so strange when you go to the bank, can point out the seat where you sat and signed the documents - and they claim they have no records.
    Luckily I rememberd how the lady looked like and she also remembered changing the account for us. In the end it was some internal error.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Laguna Verde, Hung Hom

    Hsbc :-<

    I have a medium consideration for HSBC: Service is poor and Staff are not better that Parking Shop Clerk. Nice suit only...
    For my part I was in Ukraine in august and find out I can not catch any money on my credit card... for fraud reason. I was out of catch and How do you want me to call HK to say "THAT ME HERE I NEED MONEY PLEASE AUTHORIZE MY TRANSACTION" that will be more in phone calls than in interets...
    They put me in the MERDE and not even apologize. ( Can I sue DOCT ?)

    Security reason they say: and the funny things is the HSBC Staff did not even know where was Kiev.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    CausewayBay, Hong Kong

    Did you notice if you getting your bank statements with both you and your wifes name ? I had to do the same thing, and had to close some stock accounts and transfer.

    I think this is overall in HK, where customer service is not really up to par.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cramped island
    Quote Originally Posted by faguo:
    I have a medium consideration for HSBC: Service is poor and Staff are not better that Parking Shop Clerk. Nice suit only...
    For my part I was in Ukraine in august and find out I can not catch any money on my credit card... for fraud reason. I was out of catch and How do you want me to call HK to say "THAT ME HERE I NEED MONEY PLEASE AUTHORIZE MY TRANSACTION" that will be more in phone calls than in interets...
    They put me in the MERDE and not even apologize. ( Can I sue DOCT ?)

    Security reason they say: and the funny things is the HSBC Staff did not even know where was Kiev.
    u shld call them collect. the hotline. they will have to take the call.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    (There goes any hope of HSBC advertising here .. )

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    KTK rules!!!

    I agree HSBC is crap. But there's someone here who works for the International Banking centre who was such a big help to me. Don't know if he's still active in Geo.

    The Main office is better than most-with initiative to follow up simple requests.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    He's not active on here. I cannot allow HSBC to operate the way in which this individual was using the site.

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