Is the Hang Seng MaxiInterest Investment Deposit 'good'?

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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cramped island

    experience ? 8-P

    frankly, not sure. but when everybody that's not suppose to be involved in stock market starts asking you which stock suppose to buy and telling you how their son in law has made money thru IPO, then probability is quite uneven

  2. #12

    retail product

    for this kind of derivative product, the retail customer get screezed a lot!!!!!
    for the equity deriv. the retail bank, hang seng in ths case , will take around min1% margin p.a. from the offer(to you) and bid(from inv. bank, trading desk).
    just go fund directly and play yourself is better...
    unless you sure about your view (speculation, and will bet your $)
    or you want to hedge your other risk, ( i believe not the case for private cust. )

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cramped island

    frankly retail get squeezed as long as u go thru the banks to invest. the charges can be quite bad.

    but there is a good point. professionals are in a way professionals. they might not do a better job but they have less emotions attachedto the money, so they will be more willing to exercise their discipline and cut loss when needed. that is something laymen like us can't do most time.