What s the best way to wire money to an existing ABN AMRO account in Europe?
I live across the border so i m not totally familiar with things in Hong KOng. Appreciate your help
What s the best way to wire money to an existing ABN AMRO account in Europe?
I live across the border so i m not totally familiar with things in Hong KOng. Appreciate your help
Easiest is Western Union. Do you have a bank account at a bank in HK? If so they will also transfer the money for you too.
Western Union even wires to an existing bank account? And no i don t have an account in HK yet... which one you think makes wiring the easiest (and cheapest)?
No you are correct WU will not do. Apologizes.
Each bank has there own rules on this and most will require that you have an account.
You may want to try the American Express Bank in HK.
WU will wire cash to a bank account. You walk up with the cash, tell them the bank account that you want it paid into and bob's yer uncle.
I guess i ll have to verify that with Western Union
Has any of you ever tried the ABN AMRO services in HK?