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Utilities and contracts: Autopaying from bank account vs. credit card direct debit

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  1. #21

    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bookblogger:
    Same here, I pay every bill through internet banking, apart from the one that doesn't allow that (guess which? Netvigator, the internet provider).

    I had a big dispute with PCCW (for phone lines) a few years ago and they would have taken a lot of money if I had been paying them by direct debit.
    I have PCCW Netvigator set up on autopay from my HK bank current account; although they were keen to put me on a credit card autopay (I had to push hard to get a bank account autopay)

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by pin:
    dude, this is HK. Direct Debit guarantee is for the benefit of the consumer. HK does nothing that is to the benefit of the consumer.
    If you autopay on a UK-issued credit card, can you get better protection in the event of disputes? I have the impression that UK-issued credit cards give more customer protection in the event of disputes than HK-issued cards.