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  • 1 Post By bdw

Transferring credit/cash from credit card account to bank account

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  1. #1

    Transferring credit/cash from credit card account to bank account

    I have investments that use credit card as the deposit and settlement account.
    Any banks that allow transfer of excess cash/credit from credit card to bank account?
    I confirmed HSBC do not allow this.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Install the HSBC Payme app on your phone and then you can suck money out of your credit card into the app interest free. Then dump it back into your savings account. Free cash advances!! You can do the same with octopus and a few other apps. Octopus is great because it also gives you the bonus of credit card points on top, payme usually restricts this.

    kamoteboy911 likes this.

  3. #3

    Thanks bdw. I will try the Payme app.

    Original Post Deleted
    Investment in eToro using credit card for deposit. Settlement/withdrawal will go back to the same credit card account.