closing HK bank accounts from overseas

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  1. #1

    closing HK bank accounts from overseas

    I left HK this year and just got around to moving most of the money out of the bank accounts in HK. I want to close them after - do you guys know how this might be possible? Online banking doesnt seem to have an option to do that and I dont have any links within the banks themselves. It is DBS and HSBC

    Further, I withdrew my MPF recently - but when I log onto the AIA (my mpf provider) website, it still shows my account with balance of 0. I want to close it to stop having to report it in my fbar for the US. Do you know if it will close automatically, or do we have to take other steps to close the account, even having finished withdrawing?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Beautiful Britain

    Interested in this as we are in the same position of needing to close a bank account and credit card with HSBC at some point. My recollection is we will need to call them.

    As for MPF. Both mine (HSBC) and my wife's (Manulife) disappeared online as soon as we requested withdrawal. I was a little annoyed as there was no final statement. I have no idea if the amount they sent me in the cheque was correct or not as I hadn't seen it for a month prior to receiving it. It literally disappeared from my HSBC online account.

    My wife's log in has disappeared from Manulife and she hasn't even received her money yet!