Do any of you good folks happen to know from experience the total approximate cost (Inc wire fees) to send USD from an HSBC HK bank account to IBKR account in the US (they use Citibank NA)?
Do any of you good folks happen to know from experience the total approximate cost (Inc wire fees) to send USD from an HSBC HK bank account to IBKR account in the US (they use Citibank NA)?
Just the flat HK$50 I was charged as long as you select “cost ours” for intermediary fees.
Thanks guys, HSBC charged me HKD 100 (50 local and 50 for their group bank in the US)
I'm a Premier account holder but was using my joint account (One account) when I transferred it. When I asked the bank more questions about it, they gave me very generic responses. Is it something I should look into? In the future I plan to deposit more
Last edited by natino; 13-07-2022 at 01:29 PM.
When I do USD wires from HK HSBC, I always pay HKD 50 locally, and the amount arrives at the destination with another dollar fee removed from it. That dollar fee varies from 0 to about 25, but seems largely random and very opaque to me.
Strange - I don't see any amount deducted by IB. @GentleGeorge - where do you see the deduction? in the transaction history view?
@natino - I'm transfering to CIti and pay $50 at HSBC have done this both from One and Premier.
Last edited by shri; 13-07-2022 at 02:39 PM.