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Setting up new business in HK.

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Sydney (soon to Stanley)

    Setting up new business in HK.

    I'm moving to HK in July and establishing a business that is focused on delivering High Density WiFi. Mostly concentrating on schools, universities, warehouses, convention centres, corp offices etc.


    In many discussions with people over the last year I am constantly being asked to provide advice or to resolve peoples WiFi issues predominately in the home / apartment they live in. I understand this is not an uncommon problem in HK due to a wide range of issues that are all easily addressed.

    Is this a sort of service or solution that individuals would take up in HK if marketed directly, that is appealing to the owner / occupier of the residence/ solve the vortex that is the dark arts of mastering WiFi in a conjested area..

    Not spruiking a business, just wondering if it would appeal to people.



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Tuen Mun

    I can't imagine anyone who can't solve it themselves not knowing someone who can........I think it's a non-starter personally.

    The other business would interest's fairly common in Hong Kong to have offices in the same building that are not next door or even on the same floor, wifi would save having an extra broadband account - still, not sure how much you could charge for this service.....

    Don't know mate, sounds tough to me..but then, people told me my business idea wouldn't luck!

    Last edited by bryant.english; 11-05-2012 at 12:23 PM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    I'd bet you'd face a lot of "why should I pay for this" type BS.

    People will pay $50K/month for two years on their new apartment, but will go ballistic if their internet charges go from $108 a month to $118 a month. At the same time they will suffer through the signal related issues rather than spend a few K to get it setup correctly.

    You might want to talk to some of the home AV consultants and interior designers. I see a fair bit of WiFi usage moving to media / high bandwidth apps on tablets and media delivery as opposed to general browser and email type usage.

    A few years ago our home network would have been designed around the best place to put a WiFi access point -- to get the best access for browsing / computer use. Now it would be designed primarily for media delivery.

    Now instead of deliverying bandwidth to computers ( say total cost of $20K ), we're looking at a solution which will end up costing around $100K for a house ( TV, media server, NAS, tablet ...).

    Point being, perhaps it may be worth packaging your services as a part of a home deco / media upgrade as opposed to a lets solve your intermittent wifi problem service.

    Last edited by shri; 11-05-2012 at 12:26 PM.
    bryant.english and MovingIn07 like this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Sydney (soon to Stanley)

    Thanks for the posts... I suppose my asking the question came from a few people that had spent large $$$ on property in HK (rent and buy) but were suffering through a std AP as part of the bundle from the usual telco suspects. Once they heard I was in WiFi I was rounded on in no uncertain terms and asked the same question I get a everytime I'm in HK and am asked 'what do you do'...'how do you solve my wifi'.. considering most of these people of technically not at the top of the class it just made me think about how many others out there surviving on a std telco ap in a property that cost them zillions...

    It just got me thinking with regards to expectations not being met because the dont understand the technology. Agree it would be a hard task.

    I agree that wifi has moved from a coverage play to a density play to accomodate the significant increase in devices but also the massive increase in data throughout to those devices.

    With regards to the Corp stuff, it isnt so much as providing the service just the wifi infrastructure to get it all working within the current swithes etc.. not at all hard to do, any IT person within a corp would be able to do it within an hour.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Wallaby91:
    Once they heard I was in WiFi I was rounded on in no uncertain terms and asked the same question I get a everytime I'm in HK and am asked 'what do you do'...'how do you solve my wifi'..
    Seems like human nature. I get this every country I travel to as soon as they learned that I "work with computers".

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Wallaby91:
    I'm moving to HK in July and establishing a business that is focused on delivering High Density WiFi. Mostly concentrating on schools, universities, warehouses, convention centres, corp offices etc.
    I guess I shall have to ask the question.

    What type of visa do you have lined up to work in Hong Kong on this new business?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Sydney (soon to Stanley)

    I work for a manufacturer of WiFi equipment. HQ is in California and I have been establishing the business here in Aust for the last three years. I am being sponsored by my employer to start up the business in HK and Macau.

    As an aside, this isnt a service. We manufacturer the equipment that provides the high density WiFi environments. From 10 people to 30,000+ on the one network.

    I was asking this question as we already have a marketplace and go to market strategy for HK but though providing residential 'product' and setup may have been an additional opportunity as opposed to our general play of schools, universities, hospitals, stadiums, corp etc etc.

    Apologies if I didnt make it clear from the beginning.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Sydney (soon to Stanley)

    Apologies for the spelling in my posts. I recently coverted from Blackberry to iPhone and am literally all thumbs. ;-/

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Hong Kong

    I think it is a interesting idea as there are many small trading cos here and this can be rebranded in to a retail package while to develop the commercial market

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Wallaby91:
    ... I understand this is not an uncommon problem in HK due to a wide range of issues that are all easily addressed....
    All easily addressed my ass.

    InSSider reports >150 APs out the back window and /another/ >150 out the front window - or >230 if I wait a while. In addition there's the wireless AV senders that I don't 'see' with InSSider - I have a spec an for that.

    Is you gear magic that it can overcome high levels of uncoordinated interference?
    Thought so.

    Point being, its a lot harder than you think at the moment.
    Last edited by zerocred; 17-05-2012 at 10:47 PM.

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