Hi Everyone,
I recently created my company in HK, I started making money. I would like now, as a director, to use the money for personal purposes.
Note: I'm a French resident, and doing business exclusively in China. Then, everything happens outside of HK.
I have a few legal questions:
- How can I give myself a salary? Can I simply transfer some money on my bank account every month, and mention it when I fill my tax form?
- As a director, if I give myself a salary, should I pay any tax in HK? (I know I nee to declare my salary in my home country, and pay taxes on it).
- As a director, I saw a solution to pay myself with dividends. But how taxes work with dividends? Should I pay the same amount of taxes as a French company? Where should I pay taxes? France, or HK?
I'm a bit confused with all these points. Maybe someone here already had the same and could help me
Otherwise, I currently don't have any accountant (my accounting is simple and I'm handling it by myself so far), but maybe they're the people I should ask these questions? Could you recommend any good -not too expensive- accountant in HK?
Thanks a lot for your help!